IFCT034PO Sprint Backlog


Sprint Backlog

Sprint Backlog

Sprint#6: JPA CrudRepository & H2-db Author-Book-Comments (November)

Backlog course November 2023 table
Sprint Day Date Topics Details Topics
#6 22 06/11/2023 - monitorBook: JPA @OneToMany, @ManyToOne
- Model: Author, Book, Comment, User, Person
- API Rest: Book-Author
UML author-book-comment
- @ManyToMany oracle
- Query Methods JPA
- JPA Data
- @OneToMany example author-book
- monitorBook 3.0 code -temptative-
23 07/11/2023 - monitorBook: JPA @OneToMany, @ManyToOne
- Model: Author, Book, Comment, User, Person
- API Rest: Book-Author-Comment
@oneToMany author-book H2
- Library2: API Rest Author Book @OneToMany CRUD with Swagger
- emotional change: SCRUM
- plan & des > dev & test > prod & devops
- monitorBook 3.1 code -temptative-
24 08/11/2023 - monitorBook: JPA Ihnerence strategies
- Model: Author, Book, Comment, User, Person
- API Rest: Book-Author-User-Person
- linux: clone MV
- How to learn:
picnic - understanding - consolidate
Mindset - Macro - Micro
Weekly menu no repetitive
- monitorBook 3.2 author-book onetomany -unable to find AUTHOR-

- weekly videos
25 09/11/2023 - FCOO03 (1/2) - INSERCIÓ LABORAL

- monitorBook 3.3 authorService, assign author on BookRestController
26 10/11/2023 - FCOO03 (2/2) - monitorBook 3.4 book-comment, commetService & Repository, assign comments on BookRestController
  • - > topic planned and done
  • - done > topic not done in class (pending)
  • ++ new topic not planned