Web Vocabulary

Technical terms and definitions




Tuesday, June 1, 2021


Saturday, September 7, 2024

Technical terms and definitions

Technical terms and definitions

1 Vocabulary

Web vocabulary
Term Definition
CSS Cascading Style Sheets, a language used to style HTML and define the visual presentation of web pages. It includes rules for layout, colors, fonts, and responsive design. Enhances the overall user experience.
Quarto A modern document format combining the simplicity of Markdown with the power of LaTeX. Suitable for creating reports, books, and presentations, providing a versatile and extensible markup language.
Markdown A lightweight markup language for creating formatted text using a plain-text syntax. Widely used for documentation, README files, and blogging. Provides a simple and readable way to structure content.
HTML HyperText Markup Language, the standard markup language for creating web pages and applications. Defines the structure and elements on a web page, facilitating content organization and presentation.
SCSS Sassy CSS, a superset of CSS that adds features like variables, nesting, and mixins. Enhances code maintainability and reusability, providing a more efficient way to style web applications.
Multipage A term indicating a website with multiple interconnected HTML pages. Common in traditional web development, where each page serves a distinct purpose or content section.
Refresh and History In web browsers, the refresh function reloads the current page, while the history maintains a record of visited pages. Important for navigation and maintaining a consistent user experience.
Responsive A design approach ensuring a web application adapts and provides an optimal user experience across various devices and screen sizes. Utilizes flexible layouts and media queries to achieve adaptability.