IFCD0210 Product Backlog


Backlog course

Backlog course

Class Screen Recordings

Class Screen Recordings by day on AWS S3, video/audio screen class .mp4


Screen recordings AWS S3

Product Backlog by Month

December 2023

Backlog course December 2023 table
Sprint Day Date Topics Details Topics
#1 1 19/12/2023 - Course Presentation
- Methodologies introduction: learning, sprints & paths
- Course Syllabus:
Java Helsinki MOOC, Full Stack, Front-end, Server, Project, SCRUM, Git & DevOps, Linux and OS
- Set up tools: Linux, Network, Account, IDEs, Git, Documentation
- Mooc Java
- Deep Dive Into Modern Web Development / Full Stack Web Development, Open Uni: Full Stack Web Development 5 cr / Full Stack
- Answering the useful (right?) questions
2 21/12/2023 - Set up tools: Linux, Network, Account, IDEs, Git, Documentation
- IDE: IntelliJ Idea
- Maven & Java SE project
++ IDE: TMC-NetBeans
++ Manage Time&Mind:
(1) Keep Calm & Walk Away: Negative Logic, Pavoland, One tool JUST TO one problem, Optimal Solution, Give Up, Stress, Burnt out
(2) Plan your energy: match energy with tasks
++ Bash example scripting
- Idea
- Pavoland
- Bash executable
- What is Bash?
- TMCBeans MOOC Helsinki Java 2023
3 22/12/2023 - Set up tools: Linux, Network, Account, IDEs, Git, Documentation
- IDE: Visual Code
- Create React App
++ UML
++ Documentation: quarto & .md
- Visual Code
- Quarto Create

January 2024

Backlog course January 2024 table
Sprint Day Date Topics Details Topics
#2 4 08/01/2024 - Linux
- Bash
- Time Management categories:
(1) Mindset/Grow
(2) Execution/Code-Algorithm
(3) Architecture/Programming
(4) Learning/A-Ha-Moment
(5) Personal/Path
- 4 cognitive tempos: Plan - Execute - Revision - Reflection
How does brain learn? Picnic > Mechanism > Consolidate
- Intro API Rest
- Simple, complicate, complex problem
Simple, Complicated, Complex
- Api Rest
5 09/01/2024 - Git
- Quarto

- Intro Architecture: request response cycle, SPA & Server-side rendering, JPA
Time Management Tasks:
(1) Mooc
(2) Notes / Documentation / Reading / Prepare classes & lessons / Vocabulary
(3) Architecture / UML / Domains
(4) Personal Project
(5) Linux Devops
(6) Timetable
- Linux install soft: apt / snap / software manager

Homework: client-server architecture, request/response cycle, MVC, SPA versus server-side rendering
- Request Response Cycle
- Spring MVC
Spring Boot flow architecture
- Spring Boot flow
6 11/01/2024 - UML
- Linux: install apps, clone, snapshop, software manager, mirrors, repositories, update, upgrade, sudo, apt, snap
- Concepts: domain & immutability
- Quarto domain: local, remote, gh-pages, collaborative, auth (gh auth login, user commit&push, code sign in sync)
quarto, use case: remote-local, local-remote
7 12/01/2024 - UML: restaurant
++ React Intro
- System tools linux:
(1) System reports, manager, settings, info
(2) Update, archive, software, driver, power, synaptic manager
(3) disk analyzer, disks
(4) GParted
(5) Htop sudo apt-get install htop
- UML exemples
- IBM: An introduction to the Unified Modeling Language
- GParted
#3 8 15/01/2024 - UML: restaurant
- Idea: create Maven Java Project
- Classes: Person, Waiter, Menu, Order

++ Mind Management: What is preventing you from planning the week?
++ How to make a week plan
++ Concepts: Architecture, MVC, Patterns, UML, Business Logic
- UML exemples
- IBM: An introduction to the Unified Modeling Language
- Create Project Maven Java SE
- Create Project Spring Boot

- Client Server
- Car architecture: chassis, engine and steering wheel
First Car
9 16/01/2024 - UML: restaurant
- Classes: Person, Waiter, Menu, Order
- Create Methods and define features
- Tasks Categories:
(1) Project
(2) DDD
(3) UML/PseudoCode
(4) Code

- Create Project: Maven Java SE
- What is Maven / Central Maven

- Create Project: Spring Boot
- Creaate Project: ReactJS
- Create Project: Quarto

- Class Diagram

10 18/01/2024 - Git
- Quarto: create a project and push to github
- What is the publishing system & quarto engine:
.qmd > pandoc > .html > git > github > gh-pages > www
- Create Lab#SE04-1: healthy Food
++ Project phases: tentative, candidates, release, optimums
++ Vocabulary EcoSystem:
(1) Software Core tools: framework/engine/publishing system, Code language, SDK (software development kit)
(2) Development tools: Configuration system and format (.xml, .json, .yml ), Dependencies & packages management
(3) Developer tools: IDE, debugger, collaborative & version control, documentation (Mermaid)
(4) DevOps: test, deploy
- Before Team Work: listen, ask and words (vocabulary)
- Quarto Markdown basics
- Markdown guide
- Markdown sandbox
- Markdown tutorial

- What is an SDK?

- Quarto tentative project
11 19/01/2024 - React introduction: the render cycle
- React Principles: SPA, COP, Virtual DOM, JSX, Hooks, Route
- Install nvm: Node Version Manager & create a React Project

- Quarto: create a project, push to github, publish
- Quarto Ecosystem/Architecture/Pipeline

Git and Quarto
- React JS: Introduction
- React JS: Create a React project

- Quarto publish
- Git
#4 12 22/01/2024 - healthyFood CLI App
(1) Project: mockUp, user-case, versions, iterations
(2) Domains
(3) UML, flow-diagram & pseudo-code
(4) code in intelliJ Idea

- healthyFood push to GitHub
(1) set up tools
(2) 3-auth
(3) repos local & remote
(4) first commit & push

++ Git: basics
- Git Alatassian: Setting up a repository
- Git Alatassian: Git commit
- Git Alatassian: Git Revert
- Git Alatassian: Git Checkout

13 23/01/2024 - healthyFood CLI App
code, static & non-static, methods

- healthyFood CLI App
(1) Project: mockUp, user-case, versions, iterations
(2) Domains
(3) UML, flow-diagram & pseudo-code
(4) code in intelliJ Idea

- healthyFood push to GitHub
(1) set up tools
(2) 3-auth
(3) repos local & remote
(4) first commit & push

- healthyFood CLI App v0.0
- W3 Schools Java Hashmaps
- W3 Schools Java Hashmaps sandbox

- GitHub code v0.0
- Lab#SE04-1
14 25/01/2024 - React introduction: the render cycle
- React Principles: SPA, COP, Virtual DOM, JSX, Hooks, Route
- Install nvm: Node Version Manager & create a React Project
- healthyFood React App: JSX components
- React JS: Introduction
- React JS: Create a React project
- React Components
- Learn React: Describing the UI

- Lab#RE06-1

Screen video: Thursday
15 26/01/2024 - healthyFood React App: data and props

(1) What is the difference btw Literal JS Object, JSON, Java Object
(2) Check the
Describing UI from React
- Lab#RE06-1
- GitHub code v0.1

- JSON crack
- No, really, what is JSON?
- Working with Literal Objects JS
- What is JSON?

Screen video: Friday
#5 16 29/01/2024 - JUnit Testing & debugger
- Dependencies: Junit, Lombok, JavaFaker
- UML healthyFood, growing UML class-diagram flux:
(1) adding UI as CLI
(2) controller
(3) fake DB class and Manager
- Class and objects
- Testing
- Example Controller and Manager: Lab#SE02-04
- Lab#SE04-1

Screen video: Monday
17 30/01/2024 - Main Loop and static methods
- MVC: what is really a Controller
- MVC: what is really a Manager
++ Git: pull request, git visual Idea
- Non-static class: Person
- Lab#SE04-1
- Class and objects

Screen video: Tuesday
18 01/02/2024 - React: composing the UI:
(1) UI as a tree, DOM, Render cycle
(2) rendering data, list, images
(3) the rules of JSX
(4) using Js within HTML: simple/double curly braces
(5) props
(6) conditional rendering
- Render Cycle
- Rendering lists, Mapping lists
- The Rules of JSX
- Using curly braces: A window into the JavaScript world
- Passing Props to a Component
- Conditional Rendering

Screen video: Thursday-1
Screen video: Thursday-2
19 02/02/2024 - Pure components React
- React SPA vs Server side rendering
++ Intro hooks
- Keeping Components Pure
- Props and states
- Lab#RE06-1

Screen video: Friday

February 2024

Backlog course February 2024 table
Sprint Day Date Topics Details Topics
#6 20 05/02/2024 - Class & Ojbect: from creating an object to casting it
- UML: sequence diagram useCse create Menu
- Main Loop while & static methods in Controller, HashMap in Mananger

Keywords: class, object, have/be, static, domains, scope, reference variable & new object, casting
- Class and objects
- Example Controller and Manager: Lab#SE02-04
- Example UML: Lab#SE03-03
- Lab#SE04-1

Screen video: Monday-1
Screen video: Monday-2

21 06/02/2024 - Adding interactivity
- CRUD operations for HashMap: create and read
- We define 2 kind of classes for our Lab: (1) entity or (2) functional
- Why UML/doc?
(1) better understanding of the task for each iteration
(2) crete a unique page for the team: vocabulary, source-of-truth, code
(3) plan the task
- Lab#SE04-1
- GitHub Code v0.2

Screen video: Tuesday-1
Screen video: Tuesday-2
22 08/02/2024 - Describing the UI:
(1) components,
(2) curly braces,
(3) map & filter an array
- React JS: buttons, useState & onclick
- Render cycle

++ Git: visual code branches management
- Adding Interactivity
- JavaScript in JSX with Curly Braces
- CodeSanbox map chemist/noChemist
Screen video: Thursday-1
Screen video: Thursday-2
23 09/02/2024 - React JS: State as a Snapshot
- Describing UI:
(1) JSX syntaxis and
(2) simple and double curly braces
(3) how JSX works with data (model) and where
- State as a Snapshot
- Rendering takes a snapshot in time

- JavaScript in JSX with Curly Braces
- Passing Props to a Component
- Rendering Lists
- Props and states
- Lab#RE06-1

Screen video: Friday
#7 24 12/02/2024 - Adding more CRUD operations to menuManager
- Designing UML/MockUp createOrder
- Adding CRUD operations to model: table
- Creating DDD: new project structure refactoring with IDE help
++ entity vs. functional (static methods) class
- Class and objects
- Example Controller and Manager: Lab#SE02-04
- Example UML: Lab#SE03-03
- Lab#SE04-1
- healthyFood-createMenu-fluxExecution-v0.2 healthyFood-createMenu-fluxExecution-v0.2
- menuManager-object menuManager-object

Screen video: Monday-1
Screen video: Monday-2
25 13/02/2024 - DDD: Domain-driven design
- Java SE Maven healthyFood restaurant first not-tentative solution with domains approach
- Adding CRUD operations to model: order
- Static modifier
- Coupling and DDD
- Lab#SE04-1

Screen video: Tuesday-1
Screen video: Tuesday-2
26 15/02/2024 - React JS: buttons, useState & onclick
- Render cycle
- DDD: router and project structure
- React router
++ Project - Domains - UML/pseudo-code - Code
- Adding Interactivity
- ReactJs Project Structure
- React Router
- React router
- Mantis MUI Code
- Mantis MUI template
- Mantis MUI docs

- Lab#RE06-1

Screen video: Thursday-1
Screen video: Thursday-2
27 16/02/2024 - React JS: State as a Snapshot
- DDD: router and project structure
- React router
++ Adding style: w3.css: ‘Gourment au catering’:
(1) Inline CSS
(2) App.css in project root
(3) defining layout & paths
- State as a Snapshot
- Rendering takes a snapshot in time

- w3.css templates
- Gourment and catering template
- Gourment and catering sandbox
- Lab#RE06-1

Screen video: Friday-1
Screen video: Friday-2
#8 28 19/02/2024 - CRUD operations for menu and table
- Create order mockup and UML

++ Git clone Java SE project: manage remotes
++ How to plan, solving issues: (1) Learn to give up (2) Knowledge ilusion (3) Decision-Making (4) Anxiety (5) Resting & creating energy (6) Detect core
- Static modifier
- Coupling and DDD
- Cloning a repository
- Managing remote repositories
- Pushing commits to a remote repository
- Lab#SE04-1

Screen video: Monday-1
Screen video: Monday-2
29 20/02/2024 - Create (pseudocode)createOrder
++ After pseudocode we need to make-decision: (0) quit (1) code pseudocode (2) document approach to feature (3) keep on with pseudocode (4) plan tasks (5) comment with senior (6) comment with AI
- Lab#SE04-1
- createOrder static method

Screen video: Tuesday-1
Screen video: Tuesday-2
30 22/02/2024 - Deploying ReactJS: AWS Amplify
- ReactJS: calling a function vs. passing a function
- React JS: buttons, useState & onclick
- Render cycle
- Software Lifecycle: SDLC
- Adding event handlers
- Adding Interactivity
- Lab#RE06-1: deploy

Screen video: Thursday-1
Screen video: Thursday-2
31 23/02/2024 - Git: pull request ordersMapping & createOrder to master
- React JS: State as a Snapshot
- DDD: router and project structure
- State as a Snapshot
- Rendering takes a snapshot in time
- Lab#RE06-1: pull rquest
- AWS: Build a Full-Stack React Application
Screen video: Friday-1
Screen video: Friday-2
#9 32 26/02/2024 - React: useState
- React: working with arrays
- React: debugger

++ Code analysis
(0) render cycle
(1) setting state triggers render
(2) state over time
(3) form, timeout, alert, textarea, event, onChange

Homework: code analysis
(1) walking
(2) red point
(3) marketplace
- setting state triggers render
- state over time
- Copying objects with the spread syntax
- Updating Objects in State

Screen video: Monday-1
33 27/02/2024 - React: useEffect
- React: working with arrays

- MF01: proves pràctica i objectiva
- Code Analysis: check HW
++ How to present/explain: (1) core introduction (2) what are there: enumerate parts (3) step by step, where init, where finish

Code a React component simulating the pedestrians crossing states: people waiting, crossing and getting the finish side. The trigger is a button simulating the traffic lights: red/green. Use the walking, marketplace and red-point examples.
- Updating Objects in State
- Updating Arrays in State

- codesandbox walking
- codesandbox marketplace
- codesandbox red-point

Screen video: Tuesday-1
34 29/02/2024 - React: working with arrays
- React: debugger
- React: axios
- Middleware

++ Check HW: traffic lights render cycle
- HW traffic lights Gist GH
- Spread syntax
- Copying objects with the spread syntax
- Updating Arrays in State
- Axios, Lab#RE01-1
- Rest

- traffic lights: code
- render cycle

Screen video: Thursday-1
35 01/03/2024 - React: axios
- Git Graphto navigate branches
- spread operator
- Consolidate several hooks into one
- useState managing a literal object
- Axios, Lab#RE01-1
- Rest

- Lab#RE07-1
- Copying objects with the spread syntax
- Git graph
- Code github Lab#RE07-1 v0.0

Screen video: Friday-1

March 2024

Backlog course March 2024 table
Sprint Day Date Topics Details Topics
#10 36 05/03/2024 - React: useState & working with literal object
- React: working with arrays
- React: debugger

- Code analysis
(0) render cycle
(1) working with forms & immer
(2) arrays state: immutable
(3) Updating objects inside arrays

++ Lab#RE07-1 project: mockapi, axios, request-response cycle

- React: working with arrays
- Updating Objects in State
- Updating Arrays in State
- How does Immer work?
- Lab#RE01-1: axios example
- Lab#RE07-1

Screen video: Tuesday-1
37 06/03/2024 - React: useEffect
- React: working with arrays
- react-router-dom: home/user simulation & mySimulations
- user fake login/logout
- fake-server: mockapi
++ Axios: introduction
- Updating Objects in State
- Updating Arrays in State
- Lab#RE01-1: axios example
- Lab#RE03-3: axios & mockapi example
- Lab#RE07-1

Screen video: Wenesday-1
Screen video: Wenesday-2
38 07/03/2024 - API Rest
- React: axios
- Adding graphics to trafficlighs:
(1) timeout setInterval and clearInterval
(2) state management pending, walking, completed, light
(3) random values to groupToWalk
(4) finish simulation and refresh
- API Rest
- Lab#RE07-1
- trafficlights SPA 1.0.1
- GitHub code v0.1

Screen video: Thursday-1
39 08/03/2024 - useContext
- API Rest
- React: axios
- useContext
- trafficlights SPA 1.2.1
- trafficlights SPA 1.3.0
- Lab#RE07-1

Screen video: Firday-1
#11 40 11/03/2024 - Spring Boot: request-response cycle
- Create project: sprint init
- @RestController and @Controller
- JPA: @Repository and application.properties
- H2 db
- create @Service fake array of simulation data model
- Create a project
- Controller
- RestController
- vaadin
- demoBoot0

Screen video: Monday-1
Screen video: Monday-2
41 12/03/2024 - Sprint Boot CRUD API Rest simulation
- @RestController and @Controller
- Postman
- Thymeleaf: a modern server-side Java template engine
- Postman
- api rest boot code example
- Thymeleaf SSR Java template engine
- View
- Thymeleaf
- Lab#SB00-4: project reference

- simulations Spring Boot: project v0.1
- simulations Spring Boot: code v0.1

Screen video: Tuesday-1
Screen video: Tuesday-2
42 14/03/2024 - Spring Boot JPA & database H2
- What is a H2 db?
- application.properties H2 configuration
- JPA: @Repository & @Entity
- Create Boot TH & H2
- Spring Boot Data
- Spring Boot JPA
- simulations Spring Boot: project v0.2
- simulations Spring Boot: code v0.2

Screen video: Thursday-1
Screen video: Thursday-2
43 15/03/2024 - Spring Boot JPA & database H2
- Containers: ResponseEntiyy, Optional & Model
- Postman
- Create Boot TH & H2
- Spring Boot Data
- Spring Boot JPA
- Postman
- simulations Spring Boot: project v0.3
- simulations Spring Boot: code v0.3

- code reference: CRUD RestController

Screen video: Friday-2
#12 44 18/03/2024 - useContext to decouple axios from render
- trafficlights adding react-router-dom
- project structure
- trafficlights adding axios all CRUD operations:
(1) addSimulation: Adds a new simulation to the list
(2) deleteSimulation: Deletes a simulation from the list by its ID
(3) updateSimulation: Updates a simulation in the list with new data
- trafficlights SPA 1.3.0
- trafficlights SPA 1.4.0
- Props and children
- Lab#RE07-1

Screen video: Monday-1
45 19/03/2024 - useContext to decouple axios from render
- trafficliights adding axios all CRUD operations:
(1) addSimulation: Adds a new simulation to the list
(2) updateSimulation: Updates a simulation in the list with new data
- project structure
- trafficlights SPA 1.4.1
- trafficlights SPA 1.4.2
- Lab#RE07-1
- How do I hide an API key in Create React App?
- HTML Event Attributes

Screen video: Tuesday-1
Screen video: Tuesday-2
46 21/03/2024 - trafficlights adding useEffect: clear return and cancelToken
- Tasks to integrate code into trafficlights v0.3:
(1) components tree and hooks: useContext
(2) react-router-dom and routes
(3) axios and dataSimulations.js
(4) CRUD operation upon simulation
(5) vite project / nvm
- reference: healthyFood router
- Enabling Cross Origin Spring
- Lab#RE07-1

Screen video: Thursday-1
47 22/03/2024 - trafficlights adding login
- Integrate CRUD, routes, new tree components, useContext and dependenies to trafficlights v0.3
- Albertu’s dilemma
- Lab#RE07-1
- code github

Screen video: Friday-1
Screen video: Friday-2

April 2024

Backlog course April 2024 table
Sprint Day Date Topics Details Topics
#13 48 02/04/2024 - AI landscape: FlowiseAI
- On-premises or cloud server: nextCloud
- Spring Boot: complete CRUD operations for simulation
- CRUD: Create and Update
- @RestController
- Postman requests

- Pràctiques IFCD0210
- Spring: from EJB to Boot
- Expert One-on-One J2EE™ Design and Development
- NextCloud
- NextCloud Apps
- FlowiseAI
- NextJS: use client - use server

Screen video: Tuesday-1
Screen video: Tuesday-2
49 04/04/2024 - JPA: @OneToMany
- Model: user/simulations
- Spring Boot: complete CRUD operations for simulation
- CRUD: Create and Update
- @RestController
- Postman requests
- DevOps: 5 backups: MV on SSD, Snapshoot VirtualBox, Linux Timeshift, GitHub. NexCloud
- How to create a React Project:
(1) From Zero: vite or create-react-app
(2) Meta framework: NextJS
(3) Templates: Mantis
(4) Builders: retool
(5) AI
- How to get an onbording project? /scr? dependencies? read.me? dpendencies management, yarn, npm, maven, graddle? data? pom.xml or package.json? Where is main or index.html? How to execute?
- Spring Model
- Spring JPA
- Spring Data

- mui store
- mantis
- reactbuilder
- retool
- NextJS

Screen video: Thursday-1
Screen video: Thursday-2
50 05/04/2024 - JPA: @OneToMany
- Model: user/simulations
- lab reference
- simulations 0.4 project & code

Screen video: Friday-1
Screen video: Friday-2
#14 50 08/04/204 - JPA: @OneToMany & @ManyToOne
- Model: player/simulations
- H2 DB in-memory
- @RestController: CRUD simulation & player
- @Service: populate: assign player to simulation
- application.properties
- lab reference
- simulations 0.4 project & code
-JPA: defining query methods

Screen video: Monday-1
Screen video: Monday-2
51 09/04/204 - JPA: @OneToMany & @ManyToOne
- H2 DB in-memory
- Model: player/simulations
- Model: player/subscriptions
- pull-request add subscription domain to project
- simulations v0.5: code
- simulations v0.5: project
- merge pull-request subscription
- postman api request docs

Screen video: Tuesday-1
Screen video: Tuesday-2
52 11/04/204 - git: pull-request with conflicts to merge, visual editor
- trafficlights
- useReducer
- Resolving a merge conflict on GitHub
- Merging a pull request
- pull-request

- input to state

- Choosing the State Structure
- useReducer
- Lab#RE07-1

Screen video: Thursday-1
Screen video: Thursday-2
53 12/04/204 - git: pull-rquest simulations card & paymnent
- useReducer
- useReducer

- useReducer todos
- Lab#RE07-1

Screen video: Monday-1
Screen video: Monday-2
#15 54 15/04/2024 - useReducer
- How declarative UI compares to imperative
- Principles for structuring state

- CV & Presentation: value - clear - authentic
(1) Mandatory: tech vocabulary, what you aply for (Junior Java Backend), great intro, path, guide reader to focal points, use action-verbs: plan, organize, execute, review, etc
(2) Avoid: divagation, generlization, emotional-like wording, indirect wording (could, may, etc)
(3) Optional: font, color, images
- input to state

- Choosing the State Structure
- useReducer
- Lab#RE03-1

Screen video: Monday-1
Screen video: Monday-2
55 16/04/2024 - useReducer
- Sharing State Between Components: Accordion
- Preserving and Resetting State
- Sharing State Between Components
- Single source of truth
- Preserving and Resetting State
- Lab#RE03-1

Screen video: Tuesday-1
Screen video: Monday-2
56 18/04/2024 - Extracting State Logic into a Reducer
- Scaling Up with Reducer and Context
- useReducer
- Extracting State Logic into a Reducer
- Scaling Up with Reducer and Context
- useReducer
- todo-reducer: code
- Lab#RE03-1

Screen video: Thursday-1
Screen video: Thursday-2
57 19/04/2024 - Extracting State Logic into a Reducer
- Scaling Up with Reducer and Context
- useReducer
- Extracting State Logic into a Reducer
- Scaling Up with Reducer and Context
- todo-reducer: code
- reducer examples
- useReducer
- Lab#RE03-1

Screen video: Friday-1
Screen video: Friday-2
#16 58 22/04/2024 - Boot: JPA @ManyToMany
- simulations: University
- DB n:m examples:
(1) user <1:n> borrow <n:1> book
user <n:m> book
(2) user <1:n> order <n:1> item
(suboptimal implementation for this use-case)
(3) user <1:n> order <1:n> orderDetail <n:1> item
user <n:m> item
- Spring Boot Data - Spring Boot JPA ID
- Spring Boot Mappings JPA
- UML patterns
- code LABs JPA reference
- simulations 0.8 project

Example orderDtail & order

Example orderDtail & order: order 100

Example orderDtail & order: order 101

Screen video: Monday-1
Screen video: Monday-2
59 23/04/2024 - Boot: JPA @ManyToMany
- simulations: University
- Git: conflict resolution on local IntellJIdea and pull-request
- Spring Boot Data
- Spring Boot JPA ID
- Spring Boot Mappings JPA
- code LABs JPA reference
- simulations 0.8 project
- simulations 0.7 project

Screen video: Tuesday-1
Screen video: Tuesday-2
60 25/04/2024 - Boot: JPA @ManyToMany
- @JoinColumn 1:n @Entity n:1
- simulations: University & TrafficTrial
- DB NoSQL: mongoDB
- mongoDB
- Spring Boot and MongoDB
- Accessing Data with MongoDB
- Lab#SB00-6

- simulations 0.8 project

Screen video: Thursday-1
Screen video: Thursday-2
61 26/04/2024 - Boot: JPA @ManyToMany
- @JoinTable n:m
- simulations: University & TrafficTrial
- DB NoSQL: mongoDB

- Curriculum Vitae: How to properly write it
- Java Persistence

- Curriculum Vitae

Screen video: Friday-1
Screen video: Friday-2
#17 62 29/04/2024 - Boot: JPA @ManyToMany
- @JoinTable n:m
- simulations filling DB:
(1) University
(2) TrafficTrial
(3) Enrollment
- DB NoSQL: mongoDB
- String connection, pom & app properties
- @Document & MongoRepository
- mongoDB
- Spring Boot and MongoDB
- Accessing Data with MongoDB
- Lab#SB00-6
- simulations 0.8 project
- simulations 0.9 project
- simulations 1.0 project

Screen video: Monday-1
Screen video: Monday-2
63 30/04/2024 - DB NoSQL: mongoDB
- simulations 1.0.0: imagePlayer
- simulations 1.0.1: player 1:n imagePlayer
- mongoDB
- Spring Boot and MongoDB
- Accessing Data with MongoDB
- Lab#SB00-6
- Spring Data

- simulations 1.0 project

Screen video: Tuesday-1
Screen video: Tuesday-2
64 02/05/2024 - React: mongoDB
- H2 DB local: application.properies
- simulations 1.0.1: player 1:n imagePlayer
- DB NoSQL: mongoDB
- Ref code: local H2 creation
- H2 DB
- H2 github
- Lab#SB00-6
- simulations 1.0.1 project

Screen video: Thursday-1
Screen video: Thursday-2
65 02/05/2024 - React: mongoDB
- simulations 1.0.1: player 1:n imagePlayer
- simulations 1.0.2 queries
- AWS: S3 buckets
- Intro: Lab#RE05 React-AWS
- JPQL Language Reference
- Defining Query Methods

- Spring Cloud for Amazon Web Services
- Spring Cloud AWS
- Querying MongoDB-React

Screen video: Friday-1
Screen video: Friday-2

May 2024

Backlog course May 2024 table
Sprint Day Date Topics Details Topics
#18 66 06/05/2024 - simulations 1.0.1: player 1:n imagePlayer
- React Reducer & AWS: Chat Project
- What is a websocket?
- Postman Websocket & Websocket King test
- simulations 1.0.1 project
- Lab#RE05-1: chat & websockets
- Websocket
- Websocket King

Screen video: Monday-1
Screen video: Monday-2
67 07/05/2024 - What is a websocket?
- React Reducer & AWS: Chat Project
- AWS DynamoDB: NoSQL
- Server & client
- Postman websocket
- Lab#RE05-1: chat & websockets
- Server and Client Components

- myChat
- myChat: wiki

Screen video: Tuesday-1
Screen video: Tuesday-2
68 09/05/2024 - React Reducer & AWS: Chat Project v0.0
- Semantic UI React
- SocketProvider.js with useContext & useEffect
- NoSQL: DynamoDB: partitionKey & sortKey
- semantic UI React
- Lab#RE05-1: chat & websockets
- NoSQL scheema example
- myChat: wiki

Employee NoSQL example partition & sort key

Screen video: Thursday-1
Screen video: Thursday-2
69 10/05/2024 - React Reducer & AWS: Chat Project v0.1
- Semantic UI React
- SocketProvider.js with useContext & useEffect
- Tree component chat
- Lab#RE05-1: chat & websockets
- myChat: wiki

ChatRoom v0.1

Screen video: Friday-1
Screen video: Friday-2
#19 69 13/05/2024 - React Reducer & AWS: Chat Project v0.1, fake-login
- SocketProvider.js with useContext, useEffect & useRef
- Tree component chat decoupled
- Semantic UI React
- Snippets Visual Code React
- myChat: wiki v0.1
- Reactjs code snippets
- Keyboard shortcuts for Linux

Screen video: Monday-1
Screen video: Monday-2
70 14/05/2024 - React Reducer & AWS: Chat Project v0.1, conversation
- Semantic UI React
- ConversationFeed.jsx coupled:
useContext, useEffect, useState, useReducer
- myChat: wiki 0.1

Screen video: Tuesday-1
Screen video: Tuesday-2
71 16/05/2024 - React Reducer & AWS: Chat Project v0.1, decoupled conversation
- ConversationFeed.jsx decoupled:
useContext, useEffect, useState, useReducer
- myChat: wiki

Screen video: Thursday-1
Screen video: Thursday-2
#20 72 22/05/2024 - React Reducer & AWS: Chat Project v0.1.5
- SocketProvider.js and implementation of decoupled conversation
- React Reducer & AWS: Chat Project v0.2:
(1) Fetch & display contacts & groups, chatMenu.jsx
(2) NoSQL DynamoDB model to fetch user’s contacts
- AI: Mistral models, Spring AI, LMStudio, Vaadin
- myChat: wiki

- Mistral Chat
- Mistral Tech
- Spring AI
- LM Studio
- Vaadin
- CodeGPT: Chat & AI Agents
- Spring Boot, Mistral, DB

Screen video: Wednesday-1
Screen video: Wednesday-2
73 23/05/2024 - React Reducer & AWS: Chat Project v0.2
- NoSQL DynamoDB model to fetch user’s contacts
- Fetch & display contacts & groups, chatMenu.jsx
- myChat: wiki

Screen video: Thursday-1
Screen video: Thursday-2
74 24/05/2024 - React Reducer & AWS: Chat Project v0.2
- Fetch & display contacts & groups, chatMenu.jsx
- Display user’s contacts and groups & select
- myChat: wiki

Screen video: Friday-1
Screen video: Friday-2
#21 75 27/05/2024 - React Reducer & AWS: Chat Project v0.2.2
- Fetch & display contacts & groups, chatMenu.jsx
- Display user’s contacts and groups & select
- Saving Conversation to Local Storage
- myChat: wiki

Screen video: Monday-1
Screen video: Monday-2
76 28/05/2024 - React Reducer & AWS: Chat Project v0.3
- Create chat, add contact in chatMenu.jsx
- myChat: wiki

Screen video: Tuesdya-1
Screen video: Tuesday-2
77 30/05/2024 - Spring Boot JPQL
- SDK AWS JS v3: uploader.js
- CreateChat.jsx: upload Avatar
- AWS: Cognito and Identity User Pool
- AWS: create guest Identity User and public S3
- JPA Query Methods

Screen video: Thursday-1
Screen video: Thursday-2
78 31/05/2024 - Spring Boot AI
- AWS: Cognito and Identity User Pool
- AWS: create guest Identity User and public S3
- Mistral Chat
- Mistral Tech
- Spring AI
- LM Studio
- Vaadin
- CodeGPT: Chat & AI Agents
- Spring Boot, Mistral, DB

Screen video: Friday-1
Screen video: Friday-2

June 2024

Backlog course June 2024 table
Sprint Day Date Topics Details Topics
#22 79 03/06/20274 - JPQL: JPA Query Methods
- Login Auth Cognito React:
(1) AWS Cognito Identity Pool User
(2) React TS/JS AuthService.js
(3) React TS/JS Components
(4) AWS SDK JS v3
- JPA Query Methods
- Login Auth Cognito React
- Code GitHub
- OAuth 2.0

Screen video: Monday-1
Screen video: Monday-2
80 04/06/20274 - JPQL: JPA Query Methods
- Login Auth Cognito React:
(1) AWS Cognito Identity Pool User
(2) React TS/JS AuthService.js
(3) React TS/JS Components
(4) AWS SDK JS v3
- Plan the new feature: Forgot password and resend CODE
- Login Auth Cognito React
- Code GitHub

Screen video: Tuesday-1
Screen video: Tuesday-2
81 06/06/20274 - Login Auth Cognito React
- Define sequential-flow by functions UML:
(1) sign-up feature
(2) sign-in feature
- JPQL: JPA Query Methods
- Spring Boot AI
- JPA Query Methods
- JPA Query examples

Screen video: Thursday-1
Screen video: Thursday-2
82 07/06/20274 - Login Auth Cognito React
- Define sequential-flow by functions UML:
(1) forgotPassword feature
- Spring Boot AI Chat-pdf Project:
(1) Spring Boot AI
(2) Vectorial DB: MongoDB / AstraDB (cassandra)
(3) Data source: local pdf
(4) LLM text: OpenAI / AWS Bedrock Titan
(6) Amazon Titan Text Embeddings models
- Spring AI
- Flowise, LMStudio
- AstraDB
- OpenAI Postman
- Llama chat, Perplexity.ai, Gemini AI
- Amazon Titan Text Embeddings

Screen video: Friday-1
Screen video: Friday-2
#23 83 10/06/2024 - ReactJS vs Spring Java ecosystem:
(1) ReactJS & NextJS
(2) Spring Boot, Quarkus, Thymeleaf & HTMX
- Spring Boot AI
- Embedding data from data source & LLM
- MongoDB Vector DB
- Thymeleaf
- quarkus
- Spring Boot Assistant AI
- Spring AI
- Amazon Titan Text Embeddings

Screen video: Monday-1
Screen video: Monday-2
84 11/06/2024 - Java 8: streams
- Reactive Paradigm Spring Webflux
- Spring Boot AI
- Embedding data from data source & LLM
- MongoDB Vector DB
- Java 8
- Spring WebFlux
- Webflux example
- Spring Boot Assistant AI
- Spring AI
- Amazon Titan Text Embeddings
- Spring Boot AI ApplicationRunner
- LangChain JS Bedrock

Screen video: Tuesday-1
Screen video: Tuesday-2
85 13/06/2024 - Spring Boot Security
- Spring Boot Thymeleaf & HTMX
- Spring Security
- Securing a Web Application
- Spring Boot Demo Security
- HTMX vs React

Screen video: Thursday-1
Screen video: Thursday-2
86 14/06/2024 - Spring Boot Deploy:
(1) Create and test Spring Boot App
(2) Get app–0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar from target: app.jar
(3) Create AWS EC2 VM T2.micro Linux
(4) Log in from local to EC2 VM with SSH .pem file
(5) install JAVA and upload app.jar
(6) run app.jar

- securityDeploy wiki
- AWS EC2 key pairs .pem file

Screen video: Friday-1
Screen video: Friday-2
#24 87 17/06/2024 - Spring Boot Security Deploy:
(1) code
(2) scp: security copy
(3) Environment variables
(4) Elastic IP
- ReactJS & NextJS
- Features NextJS
- next-flix NextJS Project & mongoDB
- NextJS: server side NodeJS & API
- securityDeploy wiki
- next-flix wiki
- Start building with Next.js

Screen video: Monday-1
Screen video: Monday-2
88 18/06/2024 - ReactJS & NextJS
- Client side rendering
- Rendering movies
- Next.js pages: getServerSideProps()
- Strategies/tools to data fetching:
(1) API Route
(2) Next.js static generation (Server Side Rendering)
(3) getServerSideProps()
(4) Client Side Fetching
-Spring Boot Client/Server: restTemplate
- Interfaces (typescript / Java SE)
- next-flix wiki
- Data Fetching
- getServerSideProps()
- Library6c / Library6s
- JavaSE Interfaces

Screen video: Tuesday-1
Screen video: Tuesday-2
89 20/06/2024 - ReactJS & NextJS
- Static rendering: Server side rendering
- getStaticProps()
- Next.js App Route / Pages router
- Server Actions
- next-flix wiki
- getStaticProps()
- What is Next.js?
- Pages Routes
- App Router

Screen video: Thursday-1
Screen video: Thursday-2
90 21/06/2024 - ReactJS & NextJS
- images management
- Optimizations

- NextJS.pages:
(1) getStaticProps()
(2) SSR: static rendering
- Server Actions
- next-flix wiki
- getStaticProps()
- Optimizations

Screen video: Friday-1
Screen video: Friday-2
#25 91 26/06/2024 - Formació Copmplementària
- Inserció laboral, sensibilització mediambiental i en la igualtat de gènere
- Prevenció Riscos laborals
- Programa Formatiu
- Prevenció Riscos laborals
- Recursos Formatius
92 27/06/2024 Formació Copmplementària
- Inserció laboral, sensibilització mediambiental i en la igualtat de gènere
- Prevenció Riscos laborals
- Programa Formatiu
- Prevenció Riscos laborals
- Recursos Formatius
- NextJS: server actions
- App router vs Pages router
- CRUD nextJS
- Pagination & search
- Movies Detail:
(1) dynamic router (slug)
(2) Linking and Navigating
- next-flix (pages/router)
- next-flix-router (app/router)
- App Router
- Dynamic Routes
- Linking and Navigating
Screen video: Wednesday-1
Screen video: Thursday-1

July 2024

  • Starting Pràctiques: 28/06/2024
  • Finishing Pràctiques: 26/07/2024