MarkUp Languages Resources


Markup Resources and Readings



Tuesday, June 1, 2021


Tuesday, September 26, 2023

MarkUp Resources

MarkUp Resources

1 Webs

1.1 Quarto

1.1.1 Quarto general

1.1.2 Quarto extensions and features

Quarto extensions and features
Link Description
Shinylive Quarto extension This extension lets you embed Shinylive applications in a Quarto document. These are Shiny for Python applications which run completely in the browser, using Pyodide (Python compiled to WebAssembly).
Font Awesome Including Font Awesome icons in Quarto documents is now easy peasy lemon squeezy with the Font Awesome extension. Just surround the Font Awesome icon name in {{< and >}}.
Font Awesome Search The easiest way to get icons on your website is with a Kit. It’s your very own custom version of Font Awesome, all bundled up with only the icons, tools, and settings you need.
Github Actions for Quarto This repository stores Github Actions useful for building and publishing Quarto documents.
HTML blocks and embed iframe Want to embed an iframe on a webpage or a slide deck? Plop the sharing code in a raw html block!
Listing contents Listings enable you to automatically generate the contents of a page (or region of a page) from a list of Quarto documents or other custom data.
Lightbox An extension that uses the GLightbox javascript library to add lightbox styling and behavior to images in your HTML documents.

1.1.3 Quarto formatting

1.1.4 Cheat-sheet

Quarto cheat sheet

1.2 CSS

Whatever you do on CSS, you have to understand the roots and focus on the basic knowledge: CSS Deep

1.3 Engines and visualizing