Spring Boot Vocabulary

Technical terms and definitions




Tuesday, June 1, 2021


Saturday, September 7, 2024

Technical terms and definitions

Technical terms and definitions

1 Vocabulary

Spring Boot vocabulary
Term Definition
Spring Boot An extension of the Spring framework, simplifying Java-based application development with convention (annotations) over configuration (.xml files). It promotes a rapid development cycle and easy deployment.
Spring Boot Starter Pre-configured templates providing a convenient starting point for developing various types of applications. Simplifies dependencies and configuration, fostering productivity and consistency.
Spring Boot Auto-configuration Automatically configures application components based on the dependencies present in the classpath, reducing manual setup and enhancing development efficiency.
Spring Boot Actuator A set of production-ready features providing insights into the application’s runtime behavior, health, and metrics. Enables monitoring, management, and troubleshooting in a production environment.
Spring Boot DevTools Enhances developer experience with automatic application restarts, live reloading, and other tools that accelerate the iterative development process. Facilitates a smoother and more efficient development workflow.
model It represents graphically an abstraction of the same reality or of a service. It solves problems or needs through a set of black boxes (DDD) that depend only on its previous state and its runtime input. Its conception and implementation is translated into the creation of classes and the relationships between them by means of the UML. The UML will be based on previously defined architectures adapted to the needs of the project.