ReactJS Vocabulary

Technical terms and definitions




Tuesday, June 1, 2021


Saturday, February 3, 2024

Technical terms and definitions

Technical terms and definitions

1 Vocabulary

React JS vocabulary
Term Definition
Component-Oriented Programming (COP) A paradigm organizing code into reusable and independent components, promoting modularity and maintainability in web development. Enhances code readability and scalability.
JSX A syntax extension for JavaScript used with React to write UI components. It allows embedding HTML-like code within JavaScript, making UI development more declarative and readable.
Props and States In React, props are data passed from parent to child components, while states manage a component’s internal data and trigger UI updates. Fundamental concepts for managing data flow and rendering.
Hooks Functions in React enabling the use of state and lifecycle features in functional components. Streamlines component logic and enhances code reusability, reducing reliance on class components.
Single Page Application (SPA) A web application that dynamically updates content without reloading the entire page. Enhances user experience by providing a smoother and more responsive interface.
Virtual DOM An in-memory representation of the actual DOM in React. Improves rendering efficiency by minimizing direct manipulation of the DOM, resulting in faster updates and improved performance.
Arrow Function A concise syntax in JavaScript for writing functions. Especially useful in React for defining inline functions, simplifying code and maintaining the lexical scope of ‘this’.
Spread Operator An operator in JavaScript used for expanding elements in arrays or properties in objects. Enhances code conciseness and flexibility, facilitating the manipulation and creation of data structures.
Destructuring A JavaScript feature allowing the extraction of values from arrays or properties from objects into distinct variables. Promotes cleaner and more readable code when dealing with complex data structures.
lodash Lodash, A modern JavaScript utility library delivering modularity, performance & extras.