Lab#MD01-1: Create and publish by Quarto


Lab, publish your Quarto webn



Tuesday, June 1, 2021


Tuesday, September 26, 2023

1 Overview

Create and publish a website on GitHub pages (Git on cloud and deploy pipeline) with Visual (IDE) Code and Quarto (publishing system/engine)

💻 Lab#MD01-1: Publishing website by Quarto engine

Students will need to have a basic understanding of web development, including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

In this project, students will be required to create a web application using basically Markdown, flavour Quarto, and when it is necessary HTML, JS and CSS.

Additionally, they will need to use
GitHub and Visual Code** to manage their project’s code and collaborate with their peers.

The tasks involved in this project include:

  1. In the first part of the project, students will create a basic web page using markdown and publish it on Github repository using Visual Code. This will involve creating a new repository on Github and learning how to use markdown to format text and create links.
  2. In the second part of the project, students will learn how to publish their website on gh-pages, a service provided by Github for hosting static websites. This will involve learning how to use the gh-pages service and how to deploy their website to the internet.

You should check your website on user/

As an optional study, students may also want to learn about using callouts in their markdown documentation. The following links provide useful information on the topic:

  1. markdown-callouts
  2. Callout Blocks Quarto
  3. Getting Started with RDMD
  4. Divs and spans
  6. How TO - Tabs W3.CSS HTML+CSS+JS

Using callouts, links, tabs and CSS can help to improve the readability and organization of a markdown document, making it easier for readers to understand and navigate the content.

To take their project to the next level, students may also choose to connect to an API (Application Programming Interface) to retrieve data and render charts using JavaScript. This will require an understanding of how to make HTTP requests and how to manipulate data in JavaScript.

Quarto data sources

The Quarto website project is a great opportunity for students to develop their skills in web development, markdown, and version control using GitHub and Visual Code.

2 Step-by-step

Step-by-step guide to create and publish a Quarto website

Step-by-step guide to create and publish a Quarto website
  1. Install some software and Sign in:
    1. Install Visual Code
      • Install GitHub Extension and Source Control if they don’t come with new installation
      • Install Quarto Extension in Visual Code
    2. Sign in GitHub from Visual Code (wizard)
    3. Install Quarto in your OS (download from Quarto site - Get started)
  2. Create Quarto Project
  3. GitHub tasks:
    1. Create repository, commit and push files to repository with Sync tool. To write our repository you need to:
      • Create Token on Creating a personal access token

      • Use this token on your Visual Code - Git, link:

        $git config --global "Mona Lisa"
        $git config --global user.mail ""
        $git config --global user.paasword "4WTVEG43_Q34WG435GAWER4_Q4vsrsrggr_3D44"
    2. Activate gh-pages service
  4. quarto render and quarto publish gh-pages / quarto publish on Visual Code’s terminal
    1. Publish Quarto Project
    2. Improve your Quarto Project
  5. Go to published web:user/

3 Screen-shoots (2022-12-12): installing Quarto and cloning project from

Step-by-step Quarto Creation project (install Quarto) in Visual Code (and Quarto Extension) and publishing to gh-pages (log in to GitHub, Sync tool)

Log in to GitHub and Quarto Creation: Sync GUI

4 Screen-shoots (2022-12-08): pushing Quarto project to GitHub and publishing on gh-pages

Basic Quarto Project

fig 1

fig 1
Initialize Repository and Publish

fig 2

fig 2
You may use another Extensions

fig 3

fig 3
let s do a commit but .. first

fig 4

fig 4
we need to publish branch

fig 5

fig 5
Permission 1/2

fig 6

fig 6
Permission 2/2

fig 7

fig 7
publish in public repository: name

fig 8

fig 8
repository name: wiki is better! :-)

fig 9

fig 9
repository name: publishing

fig 10

fig 10
this tree folder is publised

fig 11

fig 11
tree folder in github

fig 12

fig 12
gh-pages activation

fig 13

fig 13
at first gh-pages branck doesn’t exist: don’t worry, quarto will create later

fig 14

fig 14
master is our branch: root

fig 15

fig 15
there is just one brach: master (brach gh-pages NOT YET)

fig 16

fig 16

fig 17

fig 17
quarto publish

fig 18

fig 18

fig 19

fig 19
now: brach created

fig 20

fig 20
and … gh pages now has got the gh-pages branch selected

fig 21

fig 21
we may check all is right: commit

fig 22

fig 22
we may check all is right: deploy

fig 23

fig 23
we may check all is right: actions

fig 24

fig 24
web deployed: live

fig 25

fig 25
log publising terminal 1/4

fig 26

fig 26
log publising terminal 2/4

fig 27

fig 27
log publising terminal 3/4

fig 28

fig 28
log publising terminal 4/4

fig 29

fig 29