IFCD0210 Product Backlog


Backlog course

Backlog course

December 2022

Backlog course December 2022 table
Sprint Day Date Topics Details Topics
#1 1 12/12/2022 - Introduction to course IFCD0210
- Setting of all tools we are going to need
2 13/12/2022 - Quarto create and Publish in GitHub
- Create VM and IDEs - Accounts - MOOC
3 14/12/2022 - Linux VM VirtualBox over Windows
- What is a Dependency Management, Maven
4 15/12/2022 - Quarto create and Publish in GitHub with adavnced tools -
5 16/12/2022 - Create Java Maven Project: JUnit
- What is Java SE, EE and Spring MVC, Boot
- Create classes
#2 6 19/12/2022 Create Java Maven Project: Git - Why scope is so important in Java -
7 20/12/2022 - Introduction to MVC Pattern -
8 21/12/2022 - Create Java Maven Project: Classes
- Tag & Little-Cube are our dear friends
9 22/12/2022 - Introduction to React JS Framework -

January 2023

Backlog course January 2023 table
Sprint Day Date Topics Details Topics
#3 10 09/01 - Different approaches to complex problems are crucial to solve it
- How to manage large volumes: quarto
- How to stay in class: ask, interrupt, explain new ideas, detect mistakes, connect
Bash, Pipes
11 10/01 - How to create a Maven Java Project with TDD in Mind
- What could go wrong when create a Maven Project
TDD, JUnit
Maven Java
12 11/01 - What is Model in Java
- Why model is so important
- All begins in Model
- How to create a model (1) Class Candidates (2) Validated Class (3) Relationships
Java Classes and Objects
Pattern UML
13 12/01 - Coupling and DD defines from first line even to Deploy
- Plan a Project: sprint 0 and SCRUM
- Even name a variable is important
14 13/01 - Time Management
- Object Creation: new and @Test
- Nested objects in Java are not easy
- Tags & Little-cube are our friends
Time Managemnt
Maven Project to GitHub: git init
#4 15 16/01 + Object Creation: nested Objects in Java
+ Movie-Reviews-Review-Critic
+ @Test and debug
- Java Principles
++ Within which scope (1) creation object: new, (2) operations and methods and (3) sending-parameters by callings there must be?
Markdown in IntellJIdea Mermaid & Mermaid
Principles / Objects and class
MovieManager Code
16 17/01 + MovieManager static or non-static
- How to send data within Java
+ Movie-Reviews-Review-Critic
+ Java Principles
- Project structure: .gitignore, readme.md, uml.md
++ Decision making at Model: (1) Composition? (2) Inherence? (3) Use? (4) Is Class? sure? (5) static/non-static? (6) Domains? (7) Coupling? (8) Interface/Abstract (9) Multiplicity (10) Packages
++ How to write a comment: What? For what? How?
.gitignore / .gitignore not working
Objects and class / static
MovieManager Code
17 18/01 + Relationships and Multiplicity: onetoone, onetomany, manytomany
- Model First: customer/product
- Project structure: .gitignore, readme.md, uml.md
++ Why Multiplicity? (1) People at same page (2) Identify killing problems: pavoland (3) avoid future problems and correct them before code (4) Huge improvement on understanding THE problem (5) documentation
Mermaid Class Diagram UML
Customer/Product example
Get your team on the same page
18 19/01 + 1:n / onetomany / @OneToMany
+ Example (1) oneToMany: Director/Movie
+ Project structure: .gitignore, readme.md, uml.md
++ Intro Albertus’ Dilemma
Java Persistence
MovieManager Code
Domain Driven Design — method and process agnostic
19 20/01 + How to approach a complex software architecture (software lifecycle meta-domains): (1) project (2) domains-DDD (3) UML (4) coding
+ Decision-making & Albertus’ Dilemma
+ SCRUM Projects: (1) Management (2) Meetings Rules (3) Mistakes (4) Roles (5) Iterations
+ spaceX: all requirements are dumb
Software lifecycle
All requirements are dumb
SpaceX’s first Starship SN5 150m hop test
#5 20 23/01 + Top/Down or Down/Top project approach and build-up
+ Project/Domain-DDD/UML/microProgramming
+ MovieManager Domains & Packages, connecting classes: general plan (1/3)
- Test interactivity
Movie Manager (with errors: very unusual and not clean)
Top-down and bottom-up design
21 24/01 + MovieManager Domains & Packages, connecting classes: static/non-static and reusable method/class (2/3)
+ Hashmap
+ Try and Catch
+ Test interactivity
Movie Manager
HashMap w3school
Lab#SE02-5 Test Input Console
Lab#SE02-4 Try and Catch
22 25/01 ++ How to code: (1) User-story (2) New Feature (How it fits with existing UML) (3) pseudo-code (4) code acutal typing
+ MovieManager Domains & Packages, connecting classes (3/3):
(1) HashMap movies and CRUD operations,
(2) createAndAddMovieToStore,
(3) HashMap testMovies
(4) testCreateAndAddMovieToStoreInputConsole
Movie Manager
Simulate Input by console
23 26/01 + MovieManager, Test and CRUD (1/2)
(1) HashMap Movies CRUD (2) implement test by a simulated console: createMovie and deleteMovie tests (3) document test with html (4) manager CRUD implement
+ Inherence / Interface / Abstract Class
- git
Movie Manager Simulate input (1/2)
Class Test Create Movie
Movie Manager Simulate input (2/2)
Class Test Delete Movie
24 27/01 + MovieManager, CRUD & update (2/2)
+ SCRUM + Vocabulary (writting)
+ Book: SRE
Movie Manager Update CRUD
Class MovieManager Update Movie
#6 25 30/01 + Intro to CSS, OJS, Engines and tools
+ Example (3) manyToMany: memberLibrary/Book, Customer/Product, Director/Movie
CSS and Engines Resources
26 31/01 + Library Model Basic/Large
+ Reuse Movie/Review as a Template
+ Start with LibraryProject: lombok (create 100 users/books), use-case, refactor, maven, dependencies, DDD, UML and core classes, borrow core-operation, managers, test, mockup, git, common lenguage
Lab#SE00-3 Basic
Lab#SE00-3 Large
27 01/02 + LibraryProject:
(1) define priorities: tasks and kanban
(2) code Faker create Users
(3) code test Borrow a book from console
(4) UUID method
Lab#SE03-1 UML
Lab#SE03-2 Sprint Zero
Library Project key-words sprint zero
28 02/02 + MVC: Api Rest
+ Quarto: using API Rest with D3.js
+ git
Observable JavaScript
29 03/02 + SCRUM: delete (step 2 spaceX)
+ Vocabulary
+ Four-Hats: Project/DDD/UML/code
+ Cifo Java AppWeb Service Infrastructure: servers, services, network, URL
Cifo JAVA AppWeb Infrastructure
Prioritize When You Wear Multiple Hats

February 2023

Backlog course February 2023 table
Sprint Day Date Topics Details Topics
#7 30 06/02 - -
31 07/02 - -
32 08/02 + LibraryProject:
(1) create GitHub Projects and Kanban
(2) create tasks Sprint 1
(3) discuss about how to make user/book/borrow interface management
(4) discuss Borrow object test
33 09/02 + Library Model Basic/Large
+ Example (3) manyToMany: memberLibrary/Book, Customer/Product, Director/Movie
+ LibraryProject
- Inherence / Interface / Abstract Class
++ Optional
Lab#SE00-3 Basic
Lab#SE00-3 Large
34 10/02 + LibraryProject: sprint 1
- Spring Boot Intro
- Spring Rest and Web
- Thymeleaf

++ Albertu’s Dilemma
+ Inherence / Interface / Abstract Class
Generic Types
Interface w3 schools
#8 35 13/02 + Sprint2: pick up tasks from Product Backlog
+ LibraryProject:
(1) testBorrowUI
(2) bookManager
(3) returns
(4) storage
+ Spring Boot:
(1) Intro & project structure/folder tree
(2) Spring Rest and Web
(3) Thymeleaf
(4) Resources: books and webs
Spring Boot: create a Maven Project
Sprint1 Product Backlog
36 14/02 + LibraryProject:
(1) borrowManager: list and get statusBorrow
(2) returnBook: pseudo-code
++ use-story > use-case > functional-diagram > pseudo-code > code
LibraryProject Approach 1
LibraryProject Approach 1 with several methods
37 15/02 + LibraryProject:
(1) returnBook: code branch-pattern (to-do)
(2) returnBook: codee branch-moreHashmaps (to-do)
(3) returnBook: code branch-bidirectional (to-do)
(3) returnBook: code branch-handlerOptions
++ Make a brief study of the main efficient/relevant (three or four?) solutions and approaches to our problem in order to understand it, find out the optimus solution, solve it and eventually code it.
++ Create one branch for attempt/aproach (to-do)
LibraryProject branch-handlerOptions pseudo
LibraryProject branch-handlerOptions finished

38 16/02 - LibraryProject:
(1) Inherence Person,Publication
(2) createBorrows (fake)
(3) pickBorrowByUser (basic-polish bookReturn)
(4) findBorrowsByUser
(5) switch (book, user, borrow)
LibraryProject branch-handlerOptions fakeBorrows
Java 8
2, 3, 4, 5
39 17/02 - LibraryProject:
(1) core-functional return-book use-case
(1) Albertus’ Dilemma: burnout flag
(2) Why execution is so difficult?
(3) Writting
(4) SpaceX: step 2 and further
(5) Motivation or Purpose
Discussion: use case return a book

Burn out and Relaxation
Execution: The Discipline of Getting Things Done
Motivation? vs. Less Wrong
#9 40 20/01 + LibraryProject:
(0) plan Sprint
(1) brief-study returnBook
(2) branch returnBook
(3) Inherence Person
+ Git:
(1) Remote/Local (just one user)
(2) Basic Operations: push, pull, commit, add, clone
(3) watchdog: writting commits, location, document, time
Learn Git
41 21/01 + LibraryProject:
(1) Inherence: Member and/or LibraryMember
(2) Is Author a Member?
(3) Member is Abstract/Interface/Regular class?
(4) How will we call Managers?
- Quarto
core-General UML Proposal
user-librarian Inherence UML
42 22/02 + Spring Boot:
(1) Book @Controller
(2) Book @Service
(3) Book CRUD
(4) HTML Thymeleaf
(5) H2 DataBase Local Source and Application.properties
- Git
Lab#SB02-Library5 Code
Lab#SB02-Library5 Docs
Create H2 DB Spring Boot
Create Spring Boot
43 23/02 - LibraryProject:
(1) finish core use-cases
(2) finish main UML

++ LibraryManagement:
(1) What is Spring Boot?
(2) How does it works?
(3) What are the main elements of Spring Boot?
(4) What is Thymeleaf?
(5) What are server-renders and template engines?
++ Deliveries MF01
Spring Boot Reference Documentation
Spring init
Building an App with Spring Boot

Create Spring Boot
Create Spring Boot H2 DB and TH

44 24/02 - Deliveries MF01
- Quarto
- Spring Boot:
(1) Summary week
(1) Motivation/Purpose 2
(2) Burn Out multitasking, several hats
(3) spaceX beyond Scrum
#10 45 27/02 + LibraryManagement:
(0) Mock-up
(1) Tree-Folder: packages
(2) Book: @Entity, @Repository, @Controller, @Service
(3) Thymelaf
+ Spring Boot: request-response Cycle
Spring Boot H2DB TH
Spring Boot: cycle

Auto-reload compiler:
Auto-reload compiler: Advanced Settings Auto-reload compiler: build project automatically
46 28/02 + View-Controller
(1) Controller
(2) View
(3) Example
Controller - View
Auto-reload compiler
Tutorial: Using Thymeleaf
47 01/03 + View-Controller
(1) @Service and Dependency Injection
(2) HashMap fake @Repository
(3) request-response scope
(4) redirect:
(5) messages.properties
(6) CRUD operations draft and pseudo-code
(1) finish core use-cases
(2) finish main UML

controllerView Project
render controllerView
resources messages.properties
48 02/03 + View-Controller
(1) Mock-up user-librarian HTML
(2) Tree-Folder: packages
(3) User: Java Lombok Class and @UserController
(4) User: fake @Repository (HashMap) and @Service
(5) CRUD Operations User and draft Librarian
- Spring Timeline
Lab#SB02-Library5 Code
Lab#SB02-Library5 Docs
49 03/03 + Deliveries MF01
+ Spring Boot:
(1) Summary week
++ How to Connect Domains
(1) URL+ paths: localhost: 8080/home
(2) annotations: @Controller, @RequestMapping, @RequestParam
(3) Dependency Injection @Autowired UserService userService
(1) Motivation/Purpose 2
(2) Order and How we see the world
(3) spaceX beyond Scrum
Neuroscience: You Will Never Lack Motivation Again

March 2023

Backlog course March 2023 table
Sprint Day Date Topics Details Topics
#11 50 06/03 - controllerView:
(1) CRUD: create User
(2) CRUD: delete User
(3) CRUD: Librarian
++ Renfe use-case RedSys error
++ Time Mangement is Mind Management
PJG-1 - PJG-2 - PJG-3 - PJG-4
Screenshoot origin
Renfe error log

Time management
51 07/03 + controllerView:
(1) CRUD: create User
CRUD: create
userController: create
52 08/03 + controllerView:
(1) CRUD: update User draft
(2) CRUD: delete User draft
53 09/03 + controllerView:
(1) CRUD: update User
(2) CRUD: delete User
CRUD: update
controllerView: update
54 10/03 + SCRUM:
(1) Motivation/Purpose 2
+ How we see the world:
(1) noise
(2) how it works (no-negotation)
(3) order
(4) time management
+ Decision-making:
(1) execution: Albertu’s Dilemma
- Vocabulary:
(1) Spring Boot

controllerView: delete

Mind Management - Article
Mind Mangement - Book
Why the Mental Health of Liberal Girls Sank First and Fastest

Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way
#12 55 13/03 + LibraryManagement:
(1) refactor variables and packages
(2) Project > Management
(3) userController > Management
(4) Library5 > Management
CRUD: delete
userController: delete
userController: detail & createFakeUsers

56 14/03 + LibraryManagement:
(1) Borrow Domain: select books
+ LibraryProject:
(1) finish core use-cases v.0
(2) finish main UML v.0

LibraryManagement: integration project
LibraryManagement: select books
Tasks by energy level
57 15/03 + LibraryManagement:
(1) Borrow Domain: Borrow class
(2) Filter table
(3) session/httpServeletRequest creation
+ Spring Session
+ Spring HttpServletRequest
HttpSession with JDBC
HTTP Session State Caching with Spring
Filter table JS Client

LibraryManagement: session
58 16/03 ++ LibraryManagement:
(1) Fake login and select option
(2) Conditional render
(3) Debbuging session
- Git
- Spring Boot Rest
- ThymeLeaf:
(1) Fragments
LibrayManagement: session and fake login
Handling Form Submission
59 17/03 - SCRUM:
(0) Less Wrong
(1) Time management
(2) Getting things done
- The three great untruths 2023:
(1) What doesn’t kill you makes you weaker
(2) Always trust your feelings (motivation?)
(3) Life is a battle between good people and evil people
Happy SCRUM groups are all alike..
Getting the things done
Why the Mental Health of Liberal Girls Sank First and Fastest

Frakfurt School
End of history
#13 60 20/03 + Week planning:
(1) goal: practicing decision-making and attention-FUDA (focus, execute now!), rest and feed your soul, open-lops, inertia law
(2) tools: doing, done, taks, energies
(3) ultimate goal: metrics > know speed delivering > get closer to optimus
(4) plan week: 15 blocks
+ LibraryManagement:
(1) fake Login and logout: refreshing
(2) fakeBorrows & borrowsByUser (pagination)
FUD & Anxiety
Library Management 0.3
61 21/03 - LibraryManagement:
(1) make user borrow (by Librarian)
(2) return book

+ LibraryManagement:
(1) fake Login and logout: functional diagram
Fake Login/Logout Functional Cycle
Library Management 0.4
Library Management 0.5
62 22/03 + LibraryManagement:
(1) make user borrow (by Librarian)
(2) make borrow (by Librarian at borrow domain)
(3) return book
Library Management 0.6
Library Management 0.7
63 23/03 + LibraryManagement
(1) API Rest: introduction
(2) API Rest: Postman & Swagger
(3) API Rest @EntityResponse
(4) fragments
++ LibraryManagement API rest
Wikipedia API Rest endpoints
Wikipedia API Rest: nasa example
Library Management 0.8 : BookRestController
64 24/03 + SCRUM:
+ Getting things done
(1) overload, overthink, overdesire
(2) fail fast, and yes, hunt your ghosts
(3) down your cognitive laod
(4) fuda
(5) is motivation a unicorn ?
Getting Things done
#14 65 27/03 + API Rest:
(1) CRUD: create, delete, update
(2) Postman
(3) @EntityResponse intro
Library1: API Rest CRUD reference docs
Library1: API Rest CRUD RestController java class
Library Management Rest 0.1
66 28/02 + API Rest
(1) CRUD: update, create Book
(2) CRUD: Borrow
(3) Swagger intro
(4) Mockito & JUnit test for Rest intro
LibraryManagementRest 0.2
67 29/03 + API Rest
(1) @EntityResponse
(2) CRUD: update
(3) upate book: generic object, array of fields and stream, filter
Java SE: Java 8
Library Management Rest 0.3
Library Management Rest 0.4
68 30/03 + NoSQL: what is NoSQL and SQL H2 JPA
+ MongoDB / dynamoDB
Spring Boot Data
employee NoSQL - SQL is relationnal
Google sheet Employee template
69 31/03 + SCRUM Time (mind) management:
(1) execution: getting things done
(2) good & fresh decisions qty
(3) pavolands avoided qty
(4) did u learn something new and really useful?
(5) how does good planification mean?
+ Vocabulary

April 2023

Backlog course April 2023 table
Sprint Day Date Topics Details Topics
#15 70 03/04 + LibraryManagementRest
(1) Install, create and set H2 DB
(2) JPA H2 DB Book and User entities
Library Management Rest H2 0.0
Spring Boot: H2 DB and Thymeleaf
Spring Boot: Rest
71 04/04 + LibraryManagementRest
(1) API Rest @ResponseEntity
(2) JPA H2 DB: optional
(3) JPA H2 DB: refactor HashMap to H2 DB: User
(4) JPA H2 DB: refactor HashMap to H2 DB: Book
Library Management Rest H2 0.1
Library Management Rest H2 0.2
72 05/04 + LibraryManagementRest
(1) JPA H2 DB: populate Borrow table
(2) JPA H2 DB: create Borrow with foreign Ids (keys)
(3) JPA H2 DB: return Borrow with borrowId
Library Management Rest H2 0.3
Library Management Rest H2 0.4
73 06/04 + LibraryManagement
(1) JPA H2 DB: borrowIds in user
(2) JPA H2 DB: @OneToMany intro
(3) JPA H2 DB: @ManyToMany intro
Library Management Rest H2 0.5
#16 74 11/04 + NoSQL: what is NoSQL and SQL H2 JPA
+ MongoDB / dynamoDB

+ Render 3D: Nerf / TouchDesigner
#15 68 30/03

NeRF 3D - Nerf example: water reflections - TouchDesigner Curriculum - Nerf -
75 12/04 + LibraryManagement
(1) MongoDB: API Rest CRUD
(2) MongoDB: API Rest Image and @RestController
Spring Boot Data
Accessing Data with MongoDB
Spring Boot Integration with MongoDB Tutorial
Java - Mapping POJOs
MongoDB Atlas

Lab#SB00-6: Rest & MongoDB
Library Management Rest MongoDB 0.0
76 13/04 + LibraryManagement
(1) MongoDB: Images CRUD
(2) MongoDB: Images id to List books from book
Lab#SB00-6: Rest & MongoDB
Library Management Rest MongoDB 0.1
Library Management Rest MongoDB 0.2
77 14/04 + LibraryManagement
(1) MongoDB: encrypted data

(2) Review
- Vocabulary
+ Sprint Retrospective:
(1) mental fatigue, pavoland, wells?
(2) optimus, joy the victory, what did u learn?
(3) what about decision-making?
+ Pràctiques
Spring Boot API REST & H2-Mongo DataBase: securityDemo2 - securityDemo2 code
#17 78 17/04 + React:
(1) Intro
(2) nodejs and npm
(3) Create React Project npx
Create React app
Code sandbox
nodejs - npm
79 18/04 + React:
(1) Components
(2) JSX .jsx
What is component
What is JSX
var, let and const
Git Code: hola & hola2
80 19/04 + React:
(1) css
(2) semantic
Semantic React
Material React
81 20/04 + React:
(1) Props and States
(2) React is immutable
Props and states
What is immutability in React
hola3: semantic Cards
semantic installation
82 21/04 + SCRUM
(1) Week retrospective
+ Vocabulary
+ Pràctiques
Map mdn
#18 83 24/04 + React:
(0) roadmap
(1) props
(2) update/render cycle
(3) userState: intro
(4) project structure: tree-folder
React project structure
route example
84 25/04 + React:
(1) route
(2) JS ES6: spread operator
(3) userEffect: intro
(4) update/render cycle: pure component
- <Pràctiques
app route
spread operator
Keep components pure
ex1 - ex2 - ex3 -
85 26/04 + React:
(1) intro: userReducer / userEffect
(2) JS ES6: destructuring
(3) conditional render
Conditional Render
hola5 - 0.0
86 27/04 + React:
(1) userReducer
(2) JS ES6: import/export
+ Pràctiques: entrevistes
codesandbox with handlers functions
codesandbox dispatcher onChange, onClick
React reference manual: useReducer
87 28/04 + SCRUM:
(1) Retrospecive
(2) Lateralization
* Pràctiques
+ Vocabulary

May 2023

Backlog course May 2023 table
Sprint Day Date Topics Details Topics
#19 88 02/05 + useReducer:
(1) hola5.personProfile
++ Intro to Matter with Things by Iain McGilchrist
hola5 0.1
89 03/05 + useReducer, useRef, useEffect:
(1) hola5.clock
+ useContext
+ useEffect
+ Maps of meaning
hola5 0.2
Lab#RE02-1 clock
Rules of Hooks
Maps of meaning - Book .pdf
90 04/05 + useEffect, useRef, useReducer:
(1) hola5.clock
Lab#RE02-1 clock
91 05/05 + useEffect:
(1) hola5.apiRest
- useReducer, useRef, useEffect, useContext:
(1) to-do
+ Debbug React
(1) attention: the portal to reality (science, reason, imagination, intuition)
(2) well types: pareto,approach mode, time management, forget order, decision making, lost.
(3) Hemispheres modes: apprehend-compprehend
- Vocabulary
+ Retrospective
Lab#RE02-1 apiRest
Lab#RE03-1: to-do
How to debbug React

Can the divided brain tell us anything about the ultimate nature of reality?
Brain leraning cycle
#20 92 08/05 - useEffect, useRef, useReducer:
(1) hola5.clock
(2) cleanup function

+ useContext:
(1) hola5.login
+ semantic table hola5.home
++ books listing new categories
Lab#RE02-1 clock
Lab#RE02-1 login
books listing new categories and books
Semantic React Table
93 09/05 + useEffect, useRef, useReducer:
(1) hola5.clock
(2) cleanup function
+ useRef, useReducer, useContext:
(1) to-do: useCase, use story & mockup
+ async
+ Pràctiques
94 10/05 + useRef, useReducer, useContext:
(1) to-do: reducer, create new todo
(2) to-do: highCharts and semantic
todoApp 0.1
95 11/05 + useRef, useReducer, useContext:
(1) useContext
(2) to-do: reducer, read, delete todo
todoApp 0.2
96 12/05 + useRef, useReducer, useContext:
(1) to-do: reducer, uupdate todo
(1) how did you manage attention?
+ Retrospective
+ Delivereries & Tests
#21 97 15/05 + axios, fetch
(1) api rest mockapi
+ useRef, useReducer, useContext:
(1) to-do: context API
codesandbox api rest todo cards
deployed api rest todo cards
mock api
98 16/05 + highcharts:
(1) to-do: visualisation data
(2) import data json
(3) function calculate
+ styling
codesanbox highcharts: todo-app-3
99 17/05 + axios, fetch
(1) to-do: api rest consume data
(2) to-do: async
codesanbox rest axios/fetch: todo-app-4
async - async docs mozilla
You Might Not Need an Effect
100 18/05 - store
(1) redux/reducer
local storage

+ axios, fetch
(1) to-do: api rest consume data
(2) to-do: async
+ React paradigm-core:
(1) immutable/mutable
(2) sync/async
(3) scope (API Context/useContext/Providers)
(4) render cycle: trigger/render/paint
Fetching data
101 19/05 + SCRUM:
(0) How rich (abundance/scarcity) is created?
(1) Why just left mode is wrong?
(2) The map is no the territory: fishing factory
(3) Right mode: living in the ambiguity
(4) Taleb/McGilchrist: Simple/Complicated/Complex
(5) What is a problem? Why science is losing prestige?
(6) Mountain Manifesto
+ Retrospective
Al Pacino best speech - Any Given Sunday - 1080p HD
Mountain Manifesto
The world is not a problem - Iain McGilchrist and Dougald Hine
#22 102 22/05 + useContext to-do CRUD api rest
++ React paradigm: how to manage data
(1) context
(2) redux
(3) local storage
just api rest
++ Virtual DOM
virtual DOM
todo domains schema
103 23/05 + useContext to-do CRUD api rest:
(1) mono API Rest
(1) domains API Rest
104 24/05 + useContext to-do CRUD api rest:
(1) domains useContext
(2) api rest data acces layer
- websockets:
(1) general approach & use-story
(2) mock-up
What is JavaScript Object Literal?
codesanbox websocket context AWS
MindValley Barcelona
105 25/05 - local.storage
- useContext to-do CRUD api rest:
(1) domains useContext
(2) components
+ websockets:
(1) general approach & domains
(2) mock-up
106 26/05 + useContext to-do CRUD api rest:
(1) domains useContext
(2) whole app architecture
(1) Beyond SCRUM
(2) Beyond SCRUM: Netflix
- Retrospective

Agile Netflix - Beyond - Netflix agile: 5 lessons - Professional sports team: build to win - No rules rules
#23 107 29/05 + Spring Boot Todo & React Todo Draft
(1) API Rest @RestController
(2) MongoDB
(3) RestJS: Axios & Context Data Acces Layer
A’s team, Talent Density , Candor, Remove control
Spring Boot & ReactJS todo
108 30/05 + Spring Boot Todo & React Todo
(1) API Rest @RestController
(2) MongoDB
(3) RestJS: Axios & Context Data Acces Layer
ReactJS to React: 18 is the turning point

Spring Boot and ReactJS: LAB#RE04-2
109 31/05 + Spring Boot Todo & React Todo
(1) API Rest @RestController
(2) MongoDB
(3) RestJS: Axios & Context Data Acces Layer
- websockets:
(1) general approach & domains
(2) mock-up

Spring Boot and ReactJS: LAB#RE04-2
Published docs API Rest
System Design bytebytyego.com
110 01/06 + Spring Boot Todo & React Todo
(1) API Rest @RestController
(2) MongoDB
(3) RestJS: Axios & Context Data Acces Layer
- websockets:
(1) data access layer & context
(2) components

Spring Boot and ReactJS: LAB#RE04-2
Published docs API Rest
111 02/06 + Group Project -

June 2023

Backlog course June 2023 table
Sprint Day Date Topics Details Topics
#24 112 06/06 + websockets:
(1) Architecture: ReactJS - AWS
(2) lambda & components
MyChat: Architecture
MyChat: Architecture
113 07/06 + websockets:
(1) AWS: backend
(2) API Gateway
MyChat: AWS
MyChat: AWS
114 08/06 + websockets:
(1) ReactJS: data access layer & context
(2) components
MyChat: ReactJS
MyChat: ReactJS
AWS and ReactJS Draft MyChat
115 09/06 + Formació Copmplementària -
116 12/06 + Formació Copmplementària -

July 2023

Finishing Pràctiques