DevOps Vocabulary

Technical terms and definitions




Tuesday, June 1, 2021


Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Technical terms and definitions

Technical terms and definitions

1 Vocabulary

DevOps vocabulary
Term Definition
cd/ci Continuous Deployment/Continuous Integration, automating software delivery
pipeline A series of automated steps for software delivery
docker image A lightweight, portable software package that runs in a container
docker container An executable instance of a Docker Image, isolated environment
script/declarative Script-based vs. desired state-based configuration management
configuration file A file containing settings and parameters for a system
jenkins An open-source automation server for software development and testing
k8s Kubernetes, an open-source container orchestration system for managing clusters
deploy To release and make live a software application
devops A methodology for development and operations teams to work together, improve collaboration
software life cycle A series of stages that a software product goes through from its initial conception to retirement. This includes stages such as planning, development, testing, deployment, and maintenance