Lab#RE06-1: healthyFood Restaurant

ReactJS labs




Tuesday, June 1, 2021


Friday, March 1, 2024

📘 React JS Lab#RE06-1: healthyFood Restaurant

In this lab, we will be using:

  • the create-react-app with npx
  • w3.css framework for css
    • install css on React: npm install w3-css
    • w3 css: cards, button, container
  • JSX components
  • array of JSON: data as model

This React project serves as the front-end for a robust Spring Boot back-end, complemented by a well-designed UML. The UML is meticulously crafted in the context of Lab#SE04-1, ensuring a structured foundation for the restaurant management system.

Project Overview

  • Technology Stack:
    • Front-End: React
    • Back-End: Spring Boot
  • System Design:
    • The UML diagram, designed as part of Lab#SE04-1, lays the groundwork for essential entities such as Orders, Tables, and Menus.

Integration with Spring Boot with API Rest

This React front-end seamlessly integrates with the Spring Boot back-end via API Rest, creating a efficient restaurant management.

The UML design acts as a guide, ensuring a cohesive flow between the front-end and back-end components.

1 General approach

To craft the React front end for our restaurant management system, we begin by comprehending the UML diagram and backend functionalities.

  • Initiating a new React project using tools like Create React App establishes the foundational structure.
  • Component design follows, with entities from the UML diagram mapped to distinct React components, such as Orders, Tables, Menus, and a centralized Controller.
    • Connecting to the Spring Boot backend is facilitated through React’s fetch or similar HTTP libraries.
  • Routing is implemented using React Router, establishing distinct paths for functionalities like orders, tables, and menus. State management, accomplished through Redux or React Context API, ensures efficient handling of dynamic data.
  • UI components are designed and implemented, integrating component libraries for consistency. User input is managed via forms with input validation for an enhanced user experience.
  • Unit tests using Jest and React Testing Library validate the correctness of React components.
    • Integration with design tools maintains a cohesive look, and responsiveness is prioritized for varying screen sizes.
  • Ultimately, the React app is deployed independently using platforms like Netlify or Vercel, ensuring seamless communication with the Spring Boot backend API.

This systematic approach guarantees the development of a scalable and user-friendly front end, aligning with our grand vision for the restaurant management system’s evolution.

2 Install nvm & create-react-app



3 Mock-up

healthyFood restaurant mockup

healthyFood restaurant mockup

4 Step-by-step code


4.1 React functions

import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom/client';
import App from './App';

const root = 
root.render(<App />);

4.2 React Application

React application is defined with three instances of the MenuList component and one instance of the MenuData component. The application imports external components and a CSS framework (“w3-css/w3.css”).

The App function returns a JSX structure representing the main application. The outermost element is a div with the class “w3-container,” containing three instances of the MenuList component arranged side by side using the “w3-cell” class. Each MenuList component represents a section or module in the application.

The code uses the <> (fragment) syntax to group multiple elements without introducing an additional parent node.

There’s a repetition of the MenuList component, and the application structure isa placeholder.

Depending on the actual requirements, you may want to dynamically render components based on the data or user interactions for a more dynamic and scalable application.

import MenuList from "./MenuList.jsx";
import Order from "./Order.jsx";;
import "w3-css/w3.css";

export default function App() {
  return (
      <div class="w3-container">
        <h1>healthy food</h1>
        <div class="w3-container w3-cell">
          <MenuList />
        <div class="w3-container w3-cell">
          <MenuList />
        <div class="w3-container w3-cell">
          <MenuList />
        <MenuList />
      <div class="w3-container w3-cell">
          rel="noopener noreferrer"
          Learn React
      <br />
      <Order />
      <br />
import "w3-css/w3.css";

export default function MenuList() {
  return (
      <div class="w3-container">

        <div class="w3-panel w3-card w3-sand">

            <h5>Gluten Free</h5>
              <li>Meat Balls with portuguese sauce</li>
              <li>Fresh Tuna</li>
              <li>Onion and rice</li>

              <h2>Price: 80</h2>

              <button class="w3-button w3-pink">Accept</button>

4.3 Add JSON data as model

A static array named menus represents different restaurant menus, each containing an:

  • id,
  • name,
  • list of contents (foods),
  • price,
  • and flags indicating whether the menu is
    • active and
    • includes water.
const menus = [
    "id": "M001",
    "name": "Menu Lisboa",
    "contents": [
      "Meat Balls",
      "Salad with tomato",
      "Onion and carrot",
      "Fresh Tuna",
    "price": 80.0,
    "active": true,
    "water": true
    "id": "M002",
    "name": "Menu New York",
    "contents": [
      "Meat Balls with Pulled Steak",
      "Salad with tomato",
      "Brown Rice",
      "Fresh Salmon"
    "price": 85.0,
    "active": true,
    "water": true,
    "id": "M003",
    "name": "Menu Santiago",
    "contents": [
      "Meat Chicken Curry",
      "Salad with tomato",
      "Carrot with edamame",
      "Fresh Tuna"
    "price": 82.0,
    "active": true,
    "water": true,

In App we may call the component:


import MenuList from "./MenuList.jsx";
import Order from "./Order.jsx";;
import "w3-css/w3.css";

//  const menus = []; 

export default function App() {
  return (

      <CreateOrder menu = {menus[0]}>

      <br />
      <Order />
      <br />

Below the three MenuList components, a MenuData component is rendered with the menu prop set to the first menu item from the menus array (menus[0]).

This implies that the initial data displayed in the MenuData component corresponds to the “Menu Lisboa.”

import "w3-css/w3.css";

export default function MenuData({menu}) {


  return (
       <div class="w3-panel w3-card w3-teal">
        <h1> {} </h1>
        <span class="w3-sand">{}</span>

        <p>{menu.price} euros</p>

        <p>Water is {menu.water ? '' : 'not'} 
        <span>included </span></p>

4.4 Rendering order list

Our restaurant will have in this version three entities:

  • menu
  • table
  • order, it joins menus and tables

First at all, import the data from JSON into an array of literal object JS:

import { ordersDataJSON } from "./ordersDataJSON.js";
    "id": "O505",
    "date": "03/12/2022",
    "waiter": "Pere",
    "qtyPeople": 8,
    "totalPayment": 90.33,
    "paid": true,
    "table": "table6",
    "menus": [
        "menu": "Girona",
        "qty": 9
        "menu": "Santiago",
        "qty": 1

Then, map the orders into a new array of JSX nodes, for exemple a list for renderData ids:


export default function OrdersList() {

const renderData = => 

return <ul>{renderData}</ul>;


And eventually render <ul>{renderData}</ul> The map() method of Array instances creates a new array populated with the results of calling a provided function on every element in the calling array.


The map() method is an iterative method. map():

  • creates a new array from calling a function for every array element.
  • does not execute the function for empty elements.
  • does not change the original array.

It calls a provided callbackFn function once for each element in an array and constructs a new array from the results.

import "w3-css/w3.css";
import { ordersDataJSON } from "./ordersDataJSON.js";

export default function OrdersList() {
  const renderData = => (
      <div class="w3-card-4" style={{ width: "50%" }}>
        <header class="w3-container w3-sand">
          <h3>Id: {}</h3>
        <br />
        <div class="w3-container">
          Waiter: {order.waiter}, qtyPeople: {order.qtyPeople}, To pay:{" "}
          {order.paid ? " ✔" : "X"} {order.totalPayment} $
        <div class="w3-container">Date: {}</div>
        <div class="w3-container">Table: {order.table}</div>
        <div class="w3-container">Menus:<br/>
         { ( (menu) => ( <><span>{}:{menu.qty}, </span></>))  }</div>
        <br />
        <footer class="w3-container w3-black">
          <h5>healthyFood restaurant</h5>
      <br />

  console.log("renderdata", renderData);

  return (
      <div class="w3-container">
        <h1>Orders List</h1>
        <div class="w3-container">{renderData}</div>

4.5 Adding DDD

DDD React project

DDD React project
Name Description Why Example
Middleware Provides intermediate processing logic, intercepting requests and responses, and performing tasks such as authentication, logging, api calls, etc. Separates cross-cutting concerns from the main application logic, enhancing modularity and reusability. AuthMiddleware.js, LoggerMiddleware.js, , ApiMiddleware.js
Pages Represents the main views or screens of the application, each typically corresponding to a specific URL route. Organizes the user interface into distinct sections, improving navigation and usability. Home.jsx, Orders.jsx, , Menus.jsx
Components Encapsulates reusable UI elements or functional units, promoting modularization and facilitating composition. Enhances maintainability by breaking down the UI into smaller, reusable pieces. Button.jsx, Modal.jsx, Avatar.jsx
Utils Contains utility functions and helper classes providing common functionalities needed throughout the application. Reduces code duplication, improves readability, and promotes consistency. apiUtils.js, dateUtils.js
Assets Stores static files such as images, fonts, or CSS files used within the application. Centralizes and manages static resources, simplifying asset management and deployment. logo.png, font.ttf, styles.css
Layout Defines the overall structure and arrangement of UI elements on the page, including headers, footers, sidebars, etc. Promotes consistency in the visual presentation of the application and improves user experience. MainLayout.jsx, SidebarLayout.jsx
Routes Handles the mapping between URLs and corresponding components or views, defining the navigation paths within the application. Facilitates navigation between different sections of the application and ensures proper routing. AppRoutes.jsx, PrivateRoutes.jsx

4.6 Adding CSS

To add W3.CSS to a React project, first, include the** W3.CSS CDN link** in the <head> section of your public/index.html file or install the dependency: mpm install w3-css

Then, utilize W3.CSS classes directly within your React components’ JSX code. Import the W3.CSS stylesheet in your main component or global stylesheet. Now, you can apply W3.CSS styles to your React components by adding the appropriate class names. Ensure compatibility and avoid conflicts with existing styles. Finally, leverage W3.CSS’s extensive documentation for guidance on styling your React project efficiently.

4.7 Deploying the React Project

Upload project to GitHub

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Host your web app on AWS Amplify

Host your web app on AWS Amplify

Host your web app on AWS Amplify

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Host your web app on AWS Amplify step-by-step

Host your web app on AWS Amplify step-by-step

Host your web app on AWS Amplify step-by-step

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Authorize AWS Amplify on GitHub

App Information

App Information

This tab lists all connected branches, select a branch to view build details: ordersMapping Continuous deploys set up

healthyfoodFront deployed

healthyfoodFront deployed

4.8 pull request: ordersMapping & createOrder into master

Pull requests let you tell others about changes you’ve pushed to a branch in a repository on GitHub.

Once a pull request is opened, you can discuss and review the potential changes with collaborators and add follow-up commits before your changes are merged into the base branch.

4.8.1 Initial code: master and two branches

Branch ordersMapping was created from master, and they apparently seem the same branch, but there are two heads, they are, in fact, two branches.

At this moment we have three heads: 220e0f3, 117e56a and 72db4f7

we have three branches/heads: ordersMapping, createOrder,master

we have three branches/heads: ordersMapping, createOrder,master

we have three branches/heads: ordersMapping, createOrder,master

we have three branches/heads: ordersMapping, createOrder,master

With a new commit on masterit is clear that there are three branches.

we create a commmit on master

we create a commmit on master

we create a commmit on master

we create a commmit on master

4.8.2 pull request and merge

To merge two branches into master we are going to:

  • first, review and merge pull request #1, “Orders mapping #1,” containing 8 commits from the “ordersMapping” branch
  • Then, address conflicts in pull request #2, “Master #2,” which integrated 4 commits from “createOrder” into master.
    • Resolve these conflicts, commit changes, and merge pull request #2.
    • ensure all changes align with project standards.
  • Finally, we need to verify the merged master branch for stability and functionality (review the final output project structure).

Efficiently managing conflicts and adhering to project guidelines ensures smooth integration of features into the master branch, maintaining code integrity and project continuity.

Let’s do the first pull request step-by-step:

Step-by-step pull request

This is the output documentation on

pull request #1: Orders mapping #1

AlbertProfe merged 8 commits into master from ordersMapping

pull request #2: Master #2

AlbertProfe merged 4 commits into master from createOrder

Since the pull request #2, Master #2, have conflicts we must resolve them and then commit and merge before the pull request.

we merge twice: ordersMapping to master and then createOrdertomaster

we merge twice: ordersMapping to master and then createOrdertomaster

we merge twice: ordersMapping to master and then createOrdertomaster

we merge twice: ordersMapping to master and then createOrdertomaster

4.8.3 Final state: just master

commit on master to move createOrder component from root project to its domain

commit on master to move createOrder component from root project to its domain

Final code

After the two pull requests, the master branch incorporates all commits from the two branches due to the process of merging.

When a pull request is accepted and merged into the master branch, all the changes (commits) from the respective branches are integrated into the master branch.

In the first pull request (#1: Orders mapping #1), 8 commits from the “ordersMapping” branch were merged into master. Similarly, in the second pull request (#2: Master #2), 4 commits from the “createOrder” branch were merged into master.

As a result, the master branch now includes all changes from both branches, ensuring that the latest developments from each branch are consolidated into the main codebase.

Now, the master has all the commits:

4.9 API Rest

5 Code