React JS: useContext

ReactJS hooks




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📘 useContext

useContext is a React Hook that lets you read and subscribe to context from your component.

const value = useContext(SomeContext)

useContext allows you to consume context values from a nearest ancestor Context.Provider. Here’s a brief overview of the three steps to use useContext:

  1. Create a context: To use useContext, you first need to create a context using the React.createContext function. This function takes in a default value for the context, which will be used if a Context.Provider is not present in the component tree.
  2. Provide the context value: To make the context value available to your components, you need to wrap your component tree with a Context.Provider component, and pass the context value as a prop.
  3. Consume the context value: To consume the context value in a component, you can use the useContext hook and pass in the context object as an argument. The hook will return the current context value, which you can then use in your component.

Create a context > Provide this context > Consume and use this context

Create a context > Provide this context > Consume and use this context

1 Basic example

In this example, the MyContext context is created using the React.createContext function, with a default value of default value. The MyComponent component consumes the context value using the useContext hook, and displays the value in the DOM.

const MyContext = React.createContext('default value');

function MyComponent() {
  const value = useContext(MyContext);
  return <div>{value}</div>;

function App() {
  return (
    <MyContext.Provider value="Hello, world!">
      <MyComponent />

Using useContext in this way allows you to easily share values between components, without the need to pass props down through multiple levels of the component tree.

The App component wraps the MyComponent component with aMyContext.Provider component, and passes the value ‘Hello, world!’ as a prop.

This makes the context value available to the MyComponent component, which will use the value passed by the provider rather than the default value.

2 useContext(SomeContext)

import { useContext } from 'react';

function MyComponent() {
  const theme = useContext(ThemeContext);
  // ..

Call useContext at the top level of your component to read and subscribe to context.

2.1 Parameters

  • someContext: The context that you’ve previously created with createContext. The context itself does not hold the information, it only represents the kind of information you can provide or read from components.

2.2 Returns

  • useContext returns the context value for the calling component. It is determined as the value passed to the closest SomeContext. Provider above the calling component in the tree.

If there is no such provider, then the returned value will be the defaultValue you have passed to createContext for that context. The returned value is always up-to-date. React automatically re-renders components that read some context if it changes.

3 Usage: passing data deeply into the tree

3.1 The Problem

The big issue that comes up is figuring out how components should communicate with each other.

Eight simple strategies for communicating between React components

Eight simple strategies for communicating between React components

3.2 The Solution: context

Context works similarly to props, but instead of providing data to a single child, it can be used to provide data to an entire subtree.

Context can only send data down the tree (parent to subtree). It can be paired with callback functions to pass data back up.

useContext React documentation and React useContext Hook w3 schools

4 Example#1

createContext, useContext, useState working together

In this example, there is a currentUser state variable which holds an object.

We combine { currentUser, setCurrentUser } into a single object and pass it down through the context inside the value={}.

This lets any component below, such as LoginButton, read both currentUser and setCurrentUser, and then call setCurrentUser when needed.

import { createContext, useContext, useState } from 'react';

const CurrentUserContext = createContext(null);

export default function MyApp() {
  const [currentUser, setCurrentUser] = useState(null);
  return (
      <Form />

function Form({ children }) {
  return (
    <Panel title="Welcome">
      <LoginButton />

function LoginButton() {
  const {
  } = useContext(CurrentUserContext);

  if (currentUser !== null) {
    return <p>You logged in as {}.</p>;

  return (
    <Button onClick={() => {
      setCurrentUser({ name: 'Advika' })
    }}>Log in as Advika</Button>

function Panel({ title, children }) {
  return (
    <section className="panel">

function Button({ children, onClick }) {
  return (
    <button className="button" onClick={onClick}>

Initial render

Initial render

Initial render

Initial render

Examples of updating context

5 Example#2


In this example we’ll explain how to use the new context API in as few words as possible. We’ll create a simple Locale context that provides the language preference between English and French to components in the app.

To create a new context, use React’s new createContext function:

export const LocaleContext = React.createContext('en');

5.1 Provider

The Provider component is used to wrap components in the tree that will need access to the value from the context.

Here let’s create a LocaleProvider component that wraps our LocaleContext’s provider and offers a way to change the context’s locale value:

import React, { useState } from 'react';

export const LocaleContext = React.createContext();

const LocaleProvider = (props) => {
  const [locale, setLocale] = useState('en');

  const changeLocale = () => {
    setLocale(prevLocale => 
    prevLocale === 'en' ? 'fr' : 'en');

  const state = {

  return (
    <LocaleContext.Provider value={state}>

export default LocaleProvider;

5.2 Using the provider

We can make use of our provider at the top level of our App component:

import React from 'react';
import LocaleProvider from './context/LocaleContext';
import Greeting from './Greeting';
import ToggleLocale from './ToggleLocale';

const App = () => {
  return (
      <Greeting />
      <ToggleLocale />

export default App;

5.3 Consumer

Now all that’s left to do is access the values from the context using the Consumer component.

Our Greeting component looks like this:

import React, { useContext } from 'react';
import { LocaleContext } from './context/LocaleContext';

const Greeting = () => {
  const localeVal = useContext(LocaleContext);

  return (
      {localeVal.locale === 'en' ? 
      <h1>Welcome!</h1> : <h1>Bienvenue!</h1>}

export default Greeting;

And our ToggleLocale component looks like this:

import React, { useContext } from 'react';
import { LocaleContext } from './context/LocaleContext';

const ToggleLocale = () => {
  const localeVal = useContext(LocaleContext);

  return (
      {(localeVal) => (
        onClick={localeVal.changeLocale}>Change language</button>

export default ToggleLocale;
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