IFCD0210 Product Backlog
Product Backlog by Month
December 2024
Sprint | Day | Date | Topics | Details Topics |
#01 | 1 | 13/12/2024 | - Introduction IFCD0210-25 (1) Rules of class (2) Timetable (3) Calendar (4) Official docs (5) Students (6) Roadmap(s) and Paths (7) Projects and groups - How to Learn - Areas to develop: micro, macro, agile, devops, architecture, mindset, ai - Books: Mindset, Status Game, Scrum, The Intelligence Trap - Set up tools: Virtual Machine, IDEs - Tech stack: Java, Spring, JS, React, Git, API Rest, Markdown - Helsinki MOOC Java & React |
- Official Docs - Sprint Backlog - Scrum - Status Game - The Intelligence Trap - Mindset ![]() |
2 | 16/12/2024 | - How to Learn: active, doing, order, confusion - How to plan: (1) Agile/SCRUM (2) Time blocking (3) Red flags: revision and negative emotions (4) Energy levels (5) Cognitive stages = agile ceremonies - Negative Logic - Intro groups: project, roadmap, board-coding - Apps: git, gh, account gh, IDEs, Linux Mint, NodeJs, JDKs (8,11,17,21), marktext, sublime, potman, … HW: agile/scrum vocab, what is pareto, energy levels |
- Mind Management not time Management - The Master and the emissary |
3 | 17/12/2024 | - Agile and Scrum: impediment and communication, pareto and anti-pareto - - Git: markdown PRA - Intro React: component JS ++ NextJs vs Spring-Vaadin, and future Hilla HW: SCRUM: week1, What behavior is anti-pareto at meetings?, Boycotts |
- Scrum Guide - Agile Manifesto - Boycott meetings CIA - Week1: SCRUM - Git - React Intro - NextJs - Java SE - Java RoadMap - LessWrong - Markdown_PRA - Gists |
4 | 19/12/2024 | - React: (1) What it is? (2) What it is not? (3) COP: Components (4) Create a React project: nvm > NodeJs > Vite (5) Js ES6: one-liners (6) css frameworks for React - - Node Version Manager - Create React Vite App: npm create vite@latest |
- React Intro - React POC - Js - React Roadmap web - React Roadmap pdf - Vite / nvm - Semantic / Material / Tailwind / Shadcn-ui - Open Stack Course - Your first component ![]() ![]() |
5 | 20/12/2024 | - Spring Boot: (1) What it is? (2) What it is not? (3) OOP and AOP (4) Create a Spring Boot project: spring init web > unzip & open > maven (5) @Annotations - ++ Project: English Learning App for adults, focused on pronuntation ++ Server languages/frameworks: PHP (Laravel), .NET (Razor/Blazor, ASP), JS (NodeJS, Express, NextJs), Python (Jango) Ruby, Go ++ SCRUM/Agile relevant skills: (0) Focus: mental energy management (1) need to plan low and medium energy tasks (2) high energy: meetings, learning, prioritising, decision-making ++ SCRUM is a cultural challenge: habits and identity ++ Train > Rail > Derail > Re-rail : Purpose > Plan + Roadmap > Impediment Event + Counter Event Time boxing iterations (Plan + Execute + Revise + Reflesionate ) ++ Let’s face derail impediments one-by-one: fantasy, not-prioritize, sleep, auto-boycotts, not having metrics and clear-realistic short-term goals … |
- Spring Basics & History - Spring Fundamentals - Mooc Helsinki - Java SE - Java RoadMap - Spring Boot init - Maven Central |
January 2025
Sprint | Day | Date | Topics | Details Topics |
#02 | 6 | 07/01/2025 | - English Pronunciation App - Material UI: Cards - Architecture - React Front End - Spring Boot Back End - H2 DB - Project Management: Project, DDD, UML, Code - Version Control: Git and GitHub - Implementation Common Mistakes: flags, fantasy, dispersion, impediment, metrics, keep it simple HW: ten user-stories about English Pronuntation App |
- Material UI / MUI Card - Stater story / French Together - Track your calories - The 17-Year-Old Who Built a $1.12M/Month - SCRUM: week2 |
7 | 09/01/2025 | - English Pronunciation App - GitHub: monoRepo vs multiRepo - Create Spring Boot and repo - Create React and repo ++ Architecture project pronunciationApp |
![]() - pronunciationApp - pronunciationApp v0.0 commit c22e3c |
8 | 10/01/2025 | - English Pronunciation App - API Rest - - Spring Boot API Rest - Spring Boot: auto-configuration, ID, annotations - Spring Boot API Rest: (1) Word class (2) Repository interface (3) application.properties (4) @RestController (5) project structure and pom.sml - user-stories for Pronunciation App - Pronunciation App: git/gh three branches policy HW: (1) What are the triggers for people to force change? (2) What is the dark side of agile? (3) Top 5 app to manage little teams (4) Strategies to get habits to create context to get fit (5) Scrum: Week3 |
- Lab#RE01: Axios - pronunciationApp - pronunciationApp v0.0 backend commit 5cbb18b - git sync bash - Spring Boot create a project TH-H2 - Spring Boot create a project - Request/Response cycle |
#03 | 9 | 13/01/2025 | - Plan Sprint#3 - Git: HEAD vs head, checkout, new frontend branch - React: (1) React Components (3) Render (4) map & arrow |
- pronunciationApp - pronunciationApp v0.0 frontend commit 8dffb74 - API Rest - Your First Component |
10 | 14/01/2025 | ++ Git: git worktree approaches to execute concurrently ++ Mockapi - React (0) What is React (1) Props and state (2) Render Cycle (pure components) (3) project structure & domains |
- pronunciationApp v0.0 management commit 13d1240 - What is version control? - mock api - What is state and rendering: update/render cycle - What is state and rendering: update/render cycle - Elsa speaking |
11 | 16/01/2025 | - Spring Boot: (0) What is Spring Boot? Annotations? (1) What is MVC? Controller and Model (2) What is ID? (3) What is application.properties? ++ What is programming? (1) Decision-making (2) Zen mindset (3) Test and debug ++ How to write a comment: What? What for? Why? - HW: target folder, MVC,db, JPA and Service for 5yo, Unit Test saves and deletes to db? |
- pronunciationApp - pronunciationApp v0.0 backend #656ac27 - pronunciationApp v0.0 backend #0b15c36 - Spring Boot create a project TH-H2 - Spring Boot create a project - Request/Response cycle |
12 | 17/01/2025 | ++ Git: (1) time, space, people, state (2) Treasure Map - Spring Boot: (1) CRUD controller (2) Service (3) Model - SCRUM: Week 3: Communication, Value, Warmth & Competence - Check HW |
- pronunciationApp v0.0 backend code #f596df5 - pronunciationApp v0.0 backend resources #8fdc1ad - SQLbolt - gh cli - git/gh basic init - Git remote |
#04 | 13 | 20/01/2025 | - Plan Sprint#4 - Git: Treasure Map - Check HW: user-stories & mockup - React: (1) React Components (2) Axios (3) Render Cards with map & arrow (4) Postman Server ++ Deploy AWS Amplify |
- pronunciationApp - pronunciationApp v0.1 frontend test-MUI #5db3452 - Reference Project: restaurant - Git remote |
14 | 21/01/2025 | - React: (1) React Components (2) Axios (3) Render Cards with map & arrow (4) Postman Server ++ How to commit codes: doc , proj , pra , feat , fix ++ Rendering Lists |
- pronunciationApp - pronunciationApp v0.1 frontend gradient #ec64258 - Rendering Lists - PRA#01-React: Components Frontend Development ![]() |
15 | 23/01/2025 | - Spring Boot: (1) CRUD controller: ResponseEntity and Optional (2) Service & Repository Queries (3) Model: UML ++ What is a container? Collection? Wrapper? ++ 4p rule: pausar, pensar, plan i preguntar |
- pronunciationApp - PronunciationApp Backend v0.1 - pronunciationApp v0.1 backend commit #50b30db - pronunciationApp postman docs - Spring boot for a 5yo |
16 | 24/01/2025 | - Spring Boot: (1) CRUD controller: @PathVariable & Param (3) Model: JPA @Queries (4) Optional, ResponseEntity and Headers - SCRUM: Week 4: SCRUM Master - - Retrospective - How to really learn? |
- pronunciationApp - pronunciationApp v0.1 backend #90e659a - script mock data - curl - PathVariable vs Param - Customer @RestController - PRA#02-SpringBoot |
#05 | 17 | 27/01/2025 | - Plan Sprint#5 - React: (1) React Components: props and state (3) Render Cards with map & arrow (5) Draft mockup: low fidelity (6) React JS App: router - Git: checkout VCode git-graph - ++ SCRUM: rules, principles, pilars and foundations ++ MUI: all components |
- pronunciationApp - PronunciationApp Frontend v0.2 - pronunciationApp v0.2 frontend #92d54fd - Configure and use a Postman mock server - React JS Hook: useState - React JS App: router ![]() Miro low-fidelity - Material UI components |
18 | 28/01/2025 | - React: (1) React Components: props and state (2) Axios: CRUD operations (3) Hooks: useState and useContext (4) (5) form & textArea & useState : Form HW: useContext vs. redux/reducer |
- pronunciationApp - PronunciationApp Frontend v0.2 - pronunciationApp v0.2 frontend test-leaflet #16c0b25 - pronunciationApp v0.2 frontend axios #5dddd65 - React for Leaflet maps - useContext - Redux - Setting state triggers renders |
19 | 30/01/2025 | - Spring Boot: (1) CRUD controller: ResponseEntity and Optional ; HealthController (2) Service Business Logic & Queries (3) Model: UML and JPA (5) JUnit Test: JPA (6) Model: base @Entity, data structure and relationships (7) Mock data: 4 strategies ++ @Entity: User, Word, Pronunciation, Level, Category, GameProgress, Stage, Word; words could be: map, 3 list, matrix, sync list, string value-state, class, json ++ Project Open-source github: appflowy |
- pronunciationApp - PronunciationApp Backend v0.2 - pronunciationApp v0.2 backend #072c3e2 - pronunciationApp postman docs - Reference Project: restaurant - Bring projects, wikis, and teams together with AI ![]() |
20 | 31/01/2025 | Spring Boot: (1) JPA: @OneToONe @OneToMany @ManyToMany (2) Service & Repository Queries (4) Model - SCRUM: week6, Product Owner - How to deal in boring tasks? |
- pronunciationApp - PronunciationApp Backend v0.2 - Py test endpoints - JPA Query Methods - Java JDBC: demoMavenH2 - Spring Data JPA - JHipster - Scrum: week6 |
February 2025
Sprint | Day | Date | Topics | Details Topics |
#06 | 21 | 03/02/2025 | - Plan Sprint#6 - React: (1) React Form: state and onChange useNavigation and useState (3) Render Cycle (4) Hooks: useRef and useEffect (5) Hooks: useEffect re-renders danger (6) React JS App: router - - CSS: MUI form |
- pronunciationApp - PronunciationApp Frontend v0.3 - pronunciationApp v0.3 test-leaflet #684324f - howRenderCycleWorks - basicRegisterForm - Books, Scripts and Tools |
22 | 04/02/2025 | - React: (1) React Form: state and onChange (2) Hooks: useRef and useEffect (3) Render Cycle (4) Hooks: useEffect re-renders danger (5) React & CSS - Group practice: useState |
- useEffect - useState - useMemo - useRef - stateFormPra |
Suspended |
(1) JPA: @OneToONe @OneToMany @ManyToMany (2) Service & Repository Queries (3) JUnit Test: JPA (4) Model |
- PronunciationApp Backend v0.3 - pronunciationApp v0.3 backend #… - pronunciationApp postman docs |
24 | 07/02/2025 | - Spring Boot: (1) JPA: @OneToONe @OneToMany @ManyToMany Queries (3) JUnit Test: JPA (4) Model: version 2 - SCRUM: (1) week8, Specialist and Team, What collaboration means? (2) Manifesto, Foundations and Principles |
- pronunciationApp - pronuncitationApp backend model v2.0 - Booking - Customer ![]() |
#07 | 25 | 10/02/2025 | - Plan Sprint#7 - React: (1) React Form: state and onChange (2) Hooks: useNavigation and useState (3) Render Cycle: trigger, commit and paint (4) Hooks: useRef and useEffect , re-renders danger (5) Arrow function: impliict and explicit return (6) React JS ES6: spread operator and destructuring (7) Computed property - |
- pronunciationApp - PronunciationApp Frontend v0.3 - pronunciationApp v0.3 test-leaflet #684324f - Literal Object - Arrow Functions - JS ES6 destructuring - Spread Operator - Computed property names |
26 | 11/02/2025 | - React: (1) React Form: state and onChange useNavigation and useState (3) Login & Register Form ++ Form/useState/handler React practice: todo list and Profile Editor ++ WeatherApp |
- stateFormPra - WeatherApp - OpenWeather |
27 | 13/02/2025 | - Spring Boot: (1) JPA: @OneToONe @OneToMany @ManyToMany (2) Service & Repository Queries (3) JUnit Test: JPA (4) Model: version 2 (4) Owner side, annotations, JoinColumn and JoinTable |
- pronunciationApp - pronuncitationApp backend model v2.0 - PronunciationApp Backend v0.3 - pronunciationApp v0.3 back #d253477 - Spring Boot: JPA Relationships - Booking - Customer ![]() |
28 | 14/02/2025 | - Spring Boot: (1) JPA: @OneToONe @OneToMany @ManyToMany (2) Service & Repository Queries (3) JUnit Test: JPA (4) Implement JPA @OneToMany / @ManyToOne (4) Who is the owner and inverse (5) Unidirectional or bidirectional ++ Enum - SCRUM: (1) week10: Before SCRUM (2) Manifesto, Foundations and Principles |
- pronuncitationApp backend model v2.0 - PronunciationApp Backend v0.3 - Spring Boot: JPA Relationships - Enum - Enum Oracle |
#08 | 29 | 17/02/2025 | - Plan Sprint#8 - React: (1) React Hooks (2) useNavigation and useState (3) useReducer (4) Hooks: useRef and useEffect (5) React JS App: router - - PRA#03-React: Weather App |
- pronunciationApp - PronunciationApp Frontend v0.3 - useReducer - react.dev useReducer - todoApp - WeatherApp - OpenWeather - PRA#03-React: Weather App |
30 | 18/02/2025 | - React: (1) React Hooks (2) Hooks: useNavigation and useState (3) useReducer (4) Hooks: useRef and useEffect (5) React JS App: router ++ React.dev review: Describing the UI & Adding Interactivity ++ pronunciationApp v0.3 React: (1) CSS: MUI form login/register (2) MUI: theming , AppBar , Paper (3) Map Bcn: leaflet (4) react-router-dom (5) axios fetch & import |
- PronunciationApp Frontend v0.3 - pronunciationApp v0.3 test-leaflet #684324f - todoApp - react.dev review |
31 | 20/02/2025 | - Spring Boot: (1) JPA: @OneToONe @OneToMany @ManyToMany (2) Who is the owner and inverse (3) Unidirectional or bidirectional (4) Assignation table in @ManyToMany (5) @JoinTable (6) Implementation use-cases 1:1, 1:n, m:n: 16 (7) Id policy: UUID created at @Service / @Controller and then @Entity ++ What are Annotations? XML beans ++ Front-end most relevant skill: create user-friendly interface UI/UX ++ Jobs are not in Linkedin ++ What is the impediment to enjoy job search? frustration, ugly task, tiring ++ You are starting from a nice place: enjoy it! ++ Bash script Spring Init |
- pronunciationApp - pronuncitationApp backend model v2.0 - PronunciationApp Backend v0.4 - Spring Boot: JPA Relationships - Library3: API Rest Library Book @ManyToMany @OneToOne CRUD with Swagger - script spring init |
32 | 21/02/2025 | - Spring Boot: (1) JPA: @OneToONe @OneToMany @ManyToMany (2) Service & Repository Queries (3) JUnit Test: JPA (4) Implement JPA @OneToOne / @ManyToMany (4) Who is the owner and inverse (5) Unidirectional or bidirectional (6) Assignation table in @ManyToMany - PRA#04-SpringBoot - Talent / Ensenyament 2025 - Final MF01 - SCRUM: (1) week5: Mindset (2) Not all jobs are listed on Linkedin |
- pronuncitationApp backend #aaa292a - userBookBorrow sandbox - userBorrowBook branches - PRA#04-SpringBoot ![]() |
#09 | 33 | 24/02/2025 | - Plan Sprint#09 - React: (1) React Hooks & state: state, reducer, ref/memo, context, effect (2) Thinking about UI declaratively: 5 steps (3) Principles for structuring state: 5 prinicples (4) Sharing State Between Components (5) Hooks: useMemo (6) accordion - React.dev: Managing state |
- Managing state - useMemo - expensiveCalculation - accordion ![]() ![]() |
34 | 25/02/2025 | - React: (1) React Hooks & state (2) Thinking about UI declaratively: 5 steps (3) Principles for structuring state: 5 (4) Sharing State Between Components (5) accordion - React.dev: Managing state - CSS: MUI |
- pronunciationApp - PronunciationApp Frontend v0.3 - PronunciationApp Frontend v0.4 - pronunciationApp v0.3 test-leaflet #684324f |
35 | 27/02/2025 | - Spring Boot: (1) JPA: @OneToONe @OneToMany @ManyToMany (2) Service & Repository Queries (3) JUnit Test: JPA (4) Implement JPA @OneToOne / @ManyToMany (4) Who is the owner and inverse (5) Unidirectional or bidirectional (6) Assignation table in @ManyToMany ++ Upgrade to professional code: security, responsive & css, deploy and pipes, roles, etc.. ++ Inherence and Abstraction ++ Basics Data Structure: List, Set, Map |
- userBookBorrow sandbox - userBorrowBook branches - Abstraction - Inherence - Interface |
36 | 28/02/2025 | - (1) JPA: @OneToONe @OneToMany @ManyToMany (2) Service & Repository Queries (3) JUnit Test: JPA (4) Implement JPA @OneToOne / @ManyToMany (4) Who is the owner and inverse (5) Unidirectional or bidirectional (6) Assignation table in @ManyToMany ++ Auth introduction ++ Vaadin, Flow, Hilla: introduction ++ Weather animations ++ Full-stack: NextJs, Vaadin-Flow-Hilla - SCRUM: week 5, Mindset |
- Scaling - easyLearning - authReactCognito - authReactCognitoJS - AWS Cognito - weatherAnimations |
March 2025
Sprint | Day | Date | Topics | Details Topics |
#10 | 37 | 03/03/2025 | - Plan Sprint#10 - React: (1) Sharing State Between Components (2) accordion - React.dev: (1) Managing state (2) useContext , when to use++ Recap: passing props and children ++ The problem with passing props ++ Passing props and children: we use {} because JS within HTML, so JSX, and get literal destructured object at function parameter |
- Managing state - Pass props to the child component - The problem with passing props - react-dev: images - JSX Basic syntax - accordion - accordion: code ![]() ![]() - useContext: use-case chat |
38 | 04/03/2025 | Go out / Visit: Talent Arena 2025 | - Talent Arena | |
39 | 06/03/2025 | Go out / Visit: MWC 2025 | - Mobile World Congress 2025 | |
40 | 07/03/2025 | - Spring Boot: (1) JPA: @OneToONe @OneToMany @ManyToMany (2) Service & Repository Queries (3) JUnit Test: JPA (4) Implement JPA @OneToOne / @ManyToMany - Queries: (1) Derivated from name (2) @NamedQueries (3) @Query with JPQL (4) Native query in SQL |
- JPA Queries - JPA: defining queries - JPA: query methods - mock-data: sql-insert - userBorrowBook: test - JUnit test borrow ![]() |
#11 | 41 | 10/03/2025 | - Plan Sprint#11 - React: (1) Sharing State Between Components (2) context - React.dev: (1) Managing state (2) useContext , when to use++ Script bash: create-repo |
- Managing state - useContext - howContextWorks - howContextWorks: doc ![]() - createRepo |
42 | 11/03/2025 | - React: (1) Sharing State Between Components (2) context (1) Managing state (2) useContext , when to use- Axios/context api: (1) Axios (2) context vs import/export (3) custom hook (4) bookApiService as literal object (5) context : create, provider and hook at same .js |
- Managing state - useContext - axios docs - howContextWorks - Lab#RE03-4: context api - userBorrowBookFront: project - userBorrowBookFront: axios & context |
43 | 13/03/2025 | - Spring Boot: (1) JPA: @OneToONe @OneToMany @ManyToMany (2) Service & Repository Queries (3) JUnit Test: JPA (4) Implement JPA @OneToOne / @ManyToMany (5) EAGER/LAZY ++ Architecture: Spring Boot, REST and React - (1) Derivated from name (2) @NamedQueries (3) @Query with JPQL (4) Native query in SQL |
- JPA Queries - JPA: defining queries - JPA: query methods - userBorrowBook - userBorrowBook wiki - eager/lazy |
44 | 14/03/2025 | - Spring Boot: (1) JPA: @OneToONe @OneToMany @ManyToMany (2) Service & Repository Queries (3) JUnit Test: JPA (4) Implement JPA @OneToOne / @ManyToMany - Queries: (1) Derivated from name (2) @NamedQueries (3) @Query with JPQL (4) Native query in SQL ++ How H2 works: multiple connections |
- JPA Queries - JPA: defining queries - JPA: query methods - H2 install cli - userBorrowBook: H2 tcpAllowOthers - H2: official docs ![]() - Bash script to crete H2 db ![]() |
#12 | 45 | 17/03/2025 | - Plan Sprint#12 - React: (1) Sharing State Between Components (2) CRUD operations: Book (3) Axios (4) useNavigate : navigation (5) MUI drawer - PRA#05-Spring-Boot & React: Airport management App ++ DevOps: (1) Create the .jar for the backend Spring Boot and execute it (2) create the .env stop hardcoding (3) JMC: Java Mission Control (4) Visual code: port forwarding (5) How compiled / interpreted code works |
- userBorrowBook List - userBorrowBookFront - userBorrowBook front v0.1 - PRA#05-FullStack: Airport App - How a microprocessor load instructions |
46 | 18/03/2025 | - React: (1) Sharing State Between Components (2) CRUD operations: Book (3) Axios (4) useNavigate : navigation (5) MUI drawer (6) ++ What is Axios? (1) async (2) http (3) manage request/response cycle (4) isomorphic: client/server (browser, node.js) (5) endpoints |
- userBorrowBookFront - userBorrowBook front v0.1 - MUI Pagination - Axios - Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) |
47 | 20/03/2025 | - (1) Pagination (2) pageable , page , requestof (3) Queries - React: (1) Books all CRUD options (2) create paths (3) create directories (4) create components: hooks, handlers and render |
- - BooksPageable - userBorrowBookPagination - userBorrowBookPagination: doc ![]() |
48 | 21/03/2025 | - (1) Pagination (2) pageable , page , requestof (3) Queries - React: (1) Borrowws : create with book and user assign (2) MUI Select : working with data hooks and mappiing (3) fetch all data: books and users |
- Filter Table in JS - MUI Select - userBorrowBookFront |
#13 | 49 | 24/03/2025 | ||
50 | 25/03/2025 | |||
51 | 27/03/2025 | |||
52 | 28/03/2025 |
April 2025
Sprint | Day | Date | Topics | Details Topics |
#14 | 53 | 31/03/2025 | ||
54 | 01/04/2025 | |||
55 | 03/04/2025 | |||
56 | 04/04/2025 | |||
#15 | 57 | 07/04/2025 | ||
58 | 08/04/2025 | |||
59 | 10/04/2025 | |||
60 | 11/04/2025 | |||
#16 | 61 | 23/04/2025 | ||
62 | 24/04/2025 | |||
63 | 25/04/2025 | |||
#17 | 64 | 28/04/2025 | ||
65 | 29/04/2025 | |||
66 | 30/04/2025 |
May 2025
Sprint | Day | Date | Topics | Details Topics |
#18 | 67 | 05/05/2025 | ||
68 | 06/05/2025 | |||
69 | 08/05/2025 | |||
70 | 09/05/2025 | |||
#19 | 71 | 12/05/2025 | ||
72 | 13/05/2025 | |||
73 | 15/05/2025 | |||
74 | 16/05/2025 | |||
#20 | 75 | 19/05/2025 | ||
76 | 20/05/2025 | |||
77 | 22/05/2025 | |||
78 | 23/05/2025 | |||
#21 | 79 | 26/05/2025 | ||
80 | 27/05/2025 | |||
81 | 29/05/2025 | |||
82 | 30/05/2025 |
June 2025
Sprint | Day | Date | Topics | Details Topics |
#22 | 83 | 02/06/2025 | ||
84 | 03/06/2025 | |||
85 | 05/06/2025 | |||
86 | 06/06/2025 | |||
87 | 10/06/2025 |
July 2025
- Starting
: 11/06/2025 - Finishing
: 09/07/2025