Quarto Markdown: OJS Cells

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OJS code cells {ojs} behave a bit differently than cells in traditional notebooks, and have many options available to control their display and layout.

Observable is a platform for publishing and sharing interactive data-driven documents, an online editor for composing, cells are executed in a sequence, with outputs being generated and displayed as part of the notebook, changes made to cells can be re-executed, updated in real-time.

1 Observable JS Cells

1.1 Cell Execution

A critical difference between OJS cell execution and traditional notebooks is that in OJS cells do not need to be defined in any particular order.

Because execution** is fully reactive**, the runtime will automatically execute cells in the correct order based on how they reference each other. This is different than a traditional notebook with linear cell execution.

2 Examples

2.1 Example 1: viewof

"choose one color"
viewof color = Inputs.select(["red", "orange", "yellow", "green", "blue", "violet"], {value: "green"})


2.2 Example 2: Histiogram

height = 250
numbers = Float64Array.from({length: 1000}, d3.randomNormal())
import {chart as histogram} with {numbers as data, height} from "@d3/histogram@261"


2.3 Example 3: Cars data

import {viewof selection as cars} from "@d3/brushable-scatterplot"
viewof cars

2.4 Example 6: mortgage

viewof amount = Inputs.range([100000, 1500000], {label: "Mortgage amount", step: 100000})

viewof interest = Inputs.range([2, 8], {label: "Interest rate (%)", step: .1})

viewof duration = Inputs.range([10, 30], {label: "Duration", step: 5})


A mortgage for a house purchased for at an interest rate of \({(interest)}% over\){(duration)} years.

It costs a total of dolars.

2.5 Example 5: Fetch with loading…

d3 = require("d3");

viewof fetchButton = Inputs.button("fetch", {async function() {

    loadingMessage.value = "Loading...";
    let contributors = {};
    contributors.value = await d3.json("https://api.github.com/repos/albertprofe/wiki/stats/contributors");

    let commits = contributors.value.map(contributor => {
      loadingMessage.value = "done";
      let author = contributor.author;
      return {
        name: author.login,
        title: author.login,
        group: author.type,
        value: contributor.total

    Inputs.table(commits, { sort: "value", reverse: true })

viewof loadingMessage = Inputs.button("...");