IFCT034PO Product Backlog


Backlog course

Backlog course

October 2023

Backlog course October 2023 table
Sprint Day Date Topics Details Topics
#1 1 03/10/2023 - Introduction to course IFCT034PO
- Setting of all tools we are going to need
- What is a programmer in 2023
- Spring Boot basica architecture
- What is a programmer and skills
- Spring Boot Basics
- Create Spring Boot Project
2 04/10/2023 - What is a Dependency Management, Maven
- Create VM and IDEs - Accounts - MOOC
- Course tools: Git, gitHub, IntelijIdea/VCode, nextCloud, Telegram group, Linux Ubuntu/Mint, quarto MD, AWS or cloudfare, Jitsi
- First Sandbox Spring Boot
- Spring Boot key-words
- Create Spring Boot Project
- Maven
3 05/10/2023 - Maven: dependency management
- Second Sandbox Spring Boot
- Spring Boot key-words
- Lifecycle: from Plan to Deploy
- Sandbox: code sanbox
- Document: Notion, obsidian and quarto
- Maven Central Repository
- Document by quarto
- Document by notion
- Docuemnt by obsidian
- Code Sandbox
4 06/10/2023 - Quarto create and Publish in GitHub with adavnced tools
- Spring Boot Rest
- TMC Beans install linux and VM
- Spring Boot Sandbox project code
- Linux VMs
#2 5 09/10/2023 - Sprint Boot Thymeleaf MVC
- MV: just Model and View
- DDD: Domain-Driven Design
- Why DDD is so important
- Spring Boot Thymeleaf
- DDD and coupling
- anti-domain-driven design
- What is a car
- Spring Boot Request-Response Cycle
6 10/10/2023 - use-story > use-case (DDD) + functional-diagram (UML) > pseudo-code > code
- Sprint Boot Thymeleaf MVC
- Code: controllerView, Thymeleaf tags: th:attribute=“….”
- View
- Thymeleaf
- Code Github controllerView
- Thymeleaf
- DemoJavaboot
7 11/10/2023 - Sprint Boot Thymeleaf MVC Review
- Tag TH: text, link, each
++ OOP: Person, attributes, constructor, methods, new object
- Microservices vs. Monolitic
++ Spring Boot networking APIs: Rest, SOAP (WSDL), WebSocket, Server-side render TH
- View
- Thymeleaf
- Code Github controllerView
- Java MOOC Object
- Oracle Java Basic 7h
#3 8 16/10/2023 - Thymeleaf
- Tags attributes TH: text, link, each

- Spring Boot create fake @Service
- Git and Github
++ Immutability
++ Git and Github: VisualCode Git tool
++ Fake data, JavaFaker at @Service
- Git
- GitHub
- Example bookService with Java Faker
- Java Faker
9 17/10/2023 - Java SE UML and debugger
- Git and Github: VisualCode Git tool: review
- Annotations review
- Amazon example of domains and use of @Controller and @Service (business login)
- Object creation: create new, instantiate (memory allocation), varialble reference and object, Dependence Injection (constructor)
- create books on demoJavaBoot
- Connect idea with remote gh
- Git flow
Creation Person object
10 18/10/2023 - Spring Boot Architecture: request-response cycle
- Spring Boot Architecture Consumers:
1. server-side render (Thymeleaf),
2. client-side render (React),
3. API Rest
- API Rest Introduction: @RestController
- Postman: install, create account and documentation
- api rest example: numbeo
- javaFaker books demoJavaBook
- rest books demoJavaBook
- Video first hour class .mkv
- Video first hour class .mp4
- idea Spring Boot
- Video second hour class .mp4
11 19/10/2023 - OOP: UML football example (has/is/uses)
- Thymeleaf CRUD: create, read, delete
- Fake data, JavaFaker at @Service

- API Rest Spring Boot CRUD: create, read, delete, update
- Mermaid Diagramming and charting tool
- Mermaid UML example
- football UML class example
12 20/10/2023 - Thymeleaf CRUD: update
- API Rest Spring Boot CRUD: create, read, delete, update
- What/How/Much is an endpoint
- http://localhost:8080/api/v1/book/getAllBooks
- http://localhost:8080/api/v1/books/getBookById/f276ca91-2852-44ef-9653

- Code Java Classes UML: football exampple
- Generate Random Data using Java Faker
- mermaid UML footaball example
- findBookById demoJavaBoot
- endpoint books
- endpoint basic example
- Video first hour class
#4 13 23/10/2023 - API Rest Spring Boot & Postman: introduction
- Spring Boot @RestController: HttpHeaders, ResponseEntity
- Setting up GitHub Football Match UML
- api Rest Spring Boot
- Example book RestController
- Basic example documentation by postman
- repo UML java SE football

- Sandbox api rest mock api io
- video first hour class
- video second hour class
14 24/10/2023 - API Rest Spring Boot & Postman: create, read, delete
- Spring Boot @RestController: HttpHeaders, ResponseEntity
- Pull Request GitHub Football Match UML
- ResponseEntity
- HttpHeaders
- repo UML java SE football
- Fork a repo
- Git fork vs. clone / fork or clone

video first hour class
15 25/10/2023 - API Rest Spring Boot & Postman: create
- Spring Boot Thymeleaf Log: Activity domain
- Spring Boot @RestController: HttpHeaders, ResponseEntity managing response

- Agile Project Management monitorBook
- Wiki documentation creation
- monitorBook wiki
- Idea debugger
- video first hour class
- video second hour class
16 26/10/2023 - API Rest Spring Boot & Postman: create
- Spring Boot Thymeleaf Log: Activity domain
- Spring Boot @RestController: HttpHeaders, ResponseEntity managing response
- CLI git - gh
- momtorBook v1.0 code
- monitorBook v1.0 wiki
- CLI git gh
- video first hour class
17 27/10/2023 - API Rest Spring Boot & Postman: read
- API Rest Spring Boot & Postman: update
- Spring Boot Data: H2 & Postgres: intro
- Spring Boot: @Repository
- Annotations
- Dependence Injection
- Servlets
- monitorBook v1.1 code
#5 18 30/10/2023 - API Rest Spring Boot & Postman: create/delete/update
- API Rest Spring Boot & Postman: CRUD
- Spring Boot Data: H2 JAVA Test DB install & creation
- Spring Boot: @Repository

++ Git: review pull/fetch
++ Dependence Injection Spring Pattern
- Annotations / DI
- Common application properties Spring 1.4 / Current 3.2

- monitorBook v1.2 domain Utilities
19 31/10/2023 - API Rest Spring Boot & Postman: create/delete/update
- API Rest Spring Boot & Postman: CRUD
- Spring Boot Data: H2 JAVA Test DB, application.properties and JPA
- Exception Handling in Spring MVC
- Spring MVC Exception Handling
- Exceptions

- monitorBook v1.31 delete & update
20 02/11/2023 - Spring Boot Data: H2 JAVA Test DB
- Java H2 and MongoDB, bookImage and API Rest
- Model: book, borrows, user
- libraryManagementRest
- libraryManagementRest H2

- monitorBook v2.0 code
21 03/11/2023 - Spring Boot Data: H2 JAVA Test DB - videos class
- roadmap Java 2023
- monitorBook v2.11 code

November 2023

Backlog course November 2023 table
Sprint Day Date Topics Details Topics
#6 22 06/11/2023 - monitorBook: JPA @OneToMany, @ManyToOne
- Model: Author, Book, Comment, User, Person
- API Rest: Book-Author
UML author-book-comment
- @ManyToMany oracle
- Query Methods JPA
- JPA Data
- @OneToMany example author-book
- monitorBook 3.0 code -temptative-
23 07/11/2023 - monitorBook: JPA @OneToMany, @ManyToOne
- Model: Author, Book, Comment, User, Person
- API Rest: Book-Author-Comment
@oneToMany author-book H2
- Library2: API Rest Author Book @OneToMany CRUD with Swagger
- emotional change: SCRUM
- plan & des > dev & test > prod & devops
- monitorBook 3.1 code -temptative-
24 08/11/2023 - monitorBook: JPA Ihnerence strategies
- Model: Author, Book, Comment, User, Person
- API Rest: Book-Author-User-Person
- linux: clone MV
- How to learn:
picnic - understanding - consolidate
Mindset - Macro - Micro
Weekly menu no repetitive
- monitorBook 3.2 author-book onetomany -unable to find AUTHOR-

- weekly videos
25 09/11/2023 - FCOO03 (1/2) - INSERCIÓ LABORAL

- monitorBook 3.3 authorService, assign author on BookRestController
26 10/11/2023 - FCOO03 (2/2) - monitorBook 3.4 book-comment, commetService & Repository, assign comments on BookRestController