Lab#RE06-1-PR: create a pull request

ReactJS labs




Tuesday, June 1, 2021


Sunday, June 2, 2024

1 Pull Request: ordersMapping to master

1.1 General approach

  1. Navigate to the repository on GitHub.
  2. Switch to the “ordersMapping” branch.
  3. Click on the “Pull Request” tab.
  4. Ensure “base” is set to “master” and “compare” is set to “ordersMapping”.
  5. Review the changes.
  6. Click on “Create Pull Request”.
  7. Provide a descriptive title and additional context if necessary.
  8. Review the summary.
  9. Click on “Create Pull Request” again to submit.
  10. Verify the pull request is created successfully.

1.2 Step by step

Create a pull request step#1

Create a pull request step#1

Create a pull request step#2

Create a pull request step#2

Create a pull request step#3

Create a pull request step#3

Create a pull request step#4

Create a pull request step#4

Create a pull request step#5

Create a pull request step#5

Create a pull request step#6

Create a pull request step#6

Create a pull request step#7

Create a pull request step#7

Create a pull request step#8

Create a pull request step#8

Create a pull request step#9

Create a pull request step#9

Create a pull request step#10

Create a pull request step#10

1.3 Ways to Finish a Pull Request

  1. Merger Commit: Combines all branch changes into a single commit on master, retaining individual commit history.

  2. Merge Squash: Condenses all branch commits into a single commit on master, simplifying commit history.

  3. Merge Rebase: Integrates branch changes by replaying commits on top of master, resulting in a linear commit history.

Each method offers distinct advantages: merger commit maintains detailed history, merge squash keeps history cleaner, while merge rebase provides a linear timeline. Choose based on project requirements, considering readability, collaboration, and potential conflicts when merging branches into master.