Linux Distros: openSuse





Tuesday, June 1, 2021


Sunday, January 28, 2024

1 Introduction

OpenSUSE is a powerful and user-friendly Linux distribution that has gained popularity for its stability, versatility, and robust set of features.


OpenSUSE stands out as a reliable and user-friendly Linux distribution, offering a rich ecosystem, powerful configuration tools, and robust security features.

Whether you are a beginner or an experienced user, OpenSUSE provides a stable and customizable platform, making it an excellent choice for a wide range of computing needs.

OpenSUSE is an excellent choice for servers due to its combination of stability, security, and robust performance. The Leap edition, based on SUSE Linux Enterprise, offers a solid, enterprise-ready platform with long-term support, ensuring reliability for critical server environments.

The YaST configuration tool simplifies system administration, making it easy to set up and manage servers.

OpenSUSE’s Zypper package manager ensures efficient software management, while the community-driven development model and strong focus on security, including features like AppArmor, contribute to a trustworthy server environment. With these attributes, OpenSUSE stands out as a dependable and well-rounded solution for server

1.1 The OpenSUSE Ecosystem

OpenSUSE is known for its vibrant and supportive community, contributing to the development and improvement of the operating system.

The distribution is available in two main flavors:

  • Leap, providing a stable and enterprise-ready platform,
  • and Tumbleweed, offering a rolling release model for cutting-edge updates. Users can choose the edition that best suits their needs, ensuring a tailored experience.

2 YaST - Your Swiss Army Knife

One standout feature of OpenSUSE is the YaST (Yet another Setup Tool) configuration tool. YaST simplifies system administration tasks, providing an intuitive graphical interface to manage software, hardware, and system settings.

Whether you are a seasoned Linux user or a newcomer, YaST streamlines the configuration process, making it accessible to all.

3 Package Management and Security

OpenSUSE employs the Zypper package manager, enabling users to effortlessly install, update, and remove software packages.

The robust package management system ensures a smooth and reliable experience when managing software dependencies.

Additionally, OpenSUSE places a strong emphasis on security, incorporating features such as AppArmor and SELinux to enhance system integrity and protect against potential threats.