Spring Boot: Vaadin Hilla

Spring Boot View Vaadin Hilla

In Spring Boot, the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern is used to separate the application logic into three components; Vaadin Hilla is a Typescript-Java nice option for view.



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Monday, November 18, 2024

📘 Vaadin Hilla

Vaadin Hilla offers a powerful and flexible way to build modern web applications by combining the strengths of Java and TypeScript.

With its type-safe communication, built-in security features, and support for reactive programming, Hilla is an excellent choice for developers looking to create robust, interactive, and maintainable web applications.

Spring Boot Request-Response Cycle

Spring Boot Request-Response Cycle

1 Vaadin Hilla


Vaadin Hilla is a full-stack framework that combines the strengths of Vaadin with modern frontend technologies, React Typescript, allowing us to build robust and interactive web applications.

1.1 Key Features

Vaadin Hilla Logo

Vaadin Hilla Logo

Full-Stack Development

  • Spring Boot Backend: Hilla integrates seamlessly with Spring Boot, leveraging its powerful backend capabilities for dependency injection, security, and more.
  • React or Lit Frontend: Developers can use either React or Lit for the frontend, benefiting from the latest JavaScript frameworks and their extensive ecosystems.

Type-Safe Communication

  • Auto-Generated TypeScript Interfaces: Hilla automatically generates TypeScript interfaces for your Java endpoints, ensuring type safety and reducing the risk of errors during development.


  • Built-in Security Features: Hilla includes built-in security features to protect your application from common web vulnerabilities, making it easier to develop secure web applications.

Client-Server Communication

  • Efficient Data Exchange: Hilla facilitates efficient communication between the client and server, using Vaadin’s robust client-server communication mechanisms, such as those provided by the Atmosphere framework.

1.2 Development Approach

Java and TypeScript Integration: Hybrid Development, we can write backend code in Java and frontend code in TypeScript, allowing for a hybrid development approach that leverages the strengths of both languages.

Also, Reactive Models Hilla supports reactive programming models, making it easier to manage complex UI updates and ensure a responsive user interface.

1.3 Example Usage

Here is an example of how we might set up a simple Hilla application:

// Java Backend
public class MyController {
2    @GetMapping("/data")
    public List<MyData> getData() {
        // Return data from the backend
3        return myService.getData();
Specify the base URL for the REST controller.
Define the HTTP GET endpoint to retrieve data.
Call the service method to fetch and return the data.
// TypeScript Frontend
1import { fetch } from '@vaadin/hilla';
2import { html, LitElement, property } from 'lit-element';

class MyComponent extends LitElement {
4  @property({ type: Array }) data = [];

  async connectedCallback() {
5    super.connectedCallback();
6    this.data = await fetch('/api/data').json();

  render() {
    return html`
        ${this.data.map(item => 
7            html`<li>${item.name}</li>`)}
Import the fetch function from the @vaadin/hilla package.
Import necessary functions and classes from lit-element.
Define the custom element name for the component.
Declare a property to store the data, initialized as an empty array.
Call the parent class’s connectedCallback method.
Fetch data from the backend API and update the component’s data property.
Render a list of ite

1.4 Integration and Tools

Extensive UI Components: Hilla applications can use Vaadin’s extensive set of UI components and themes, ensuring a consistent and professional look and feel. Spring Boot Integration.

Seamless Integration: Hilla integrates seamlessly with Spring Boot, allowing developers to leverage Spring’s dependency injection, security features, and other capabilities.

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