

New / updated articles
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10/2024 Java EE Lab#SE08-1 Spring Boot Restaurant Managament
09/2024 Gist Projects UML Java SE UML 10 projects class exercise
09/2024 Java SE Lab#Restaurant Java SE UML & project lab
09/2024 Documentation 📜 IFCD0021-24 Official documents IFCD0021-24 course
09/2024 Backlog 🗂 Sprint Backlog Sprint Backlog IFCD0021-24
09/2024 Backlog 🗃 Product Backlog Product Backlog IFCD0021-24
Old articles 2024 (IFCD0210-24)
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06/2024 Backlog 🗂 Sprint Backlog Sprint Backlog IFCD0210-24
06/2024 Backlog 🗃 Product Backlog Product Backlog IFCD0210-24
06/2024 Next JS NextJS movies next-flix-router project NextJS & mongoDB router
06/2024 Next JS NextJS movies next-flix project NextJS & mongoDB pages
06/2024 Java EE Spring Boot Security & Deploy AWS EC2 Spring Boot Security & Deploy AWS EC2 with SSH
06/2024 Java EE Spring Boot Assistant AI Spring Boot Assistant AI
06/2024 Java EE Spring Boot JPA: JPQL & queries Spring Boot Queries
05/2024 React JS Authentication ReactJS Cognito Identity User Pool AWS SDK JS v3 React JS AWS SDK, Auth, Cognito lab
05/2024 React JS Chat React JS & AWS Server React JS AWS, WebSocket, Semantic CSS lab
04/2024 📘 Book Expert One-on-One J2EE™ Design and Development New added book on programming Java EE
04/2024 Java EE Spring Framework & Boot is now 20 & 10 years old: 2004-2014-2024 Spring timeline
03/2024 Java EE Simulation wiki github Spring Boot, JPA, H2 DB, API Rest
03/2024 React JS Lab#RE07-1: traffic lights Simulation React JS data, form and hooks lab
02/2024 📜 News Technology Trends for 2024 Where the Industry Is Headed
02/2024 📘 Book Playing to win New added book on strategy
01/2024 Java SE Lab#SE04-1: healthyFood Restaurant, Core Model Java SE UML lab
01/2024 React JS Lab#RE06-1: healthyFood Restaurant React JS composition lab

SCRUM agile framework | Before SCRUM management | SCRUM of SCRUM: Less | Team Work, What is it? | Team Dynamics, how to manage | Mindset, the key for everything | Emotions and Thoughts | Managing mind and time | Beyond SCRUM

DDD: Domain-driven design | Microservices design system | Spring Boot framework | SPA, Single Page App | Multi-page and server side rendering | Cloud serveless: AWS | APIs: REST, Websockets, SOAP, GraphQL | Kafka, event streaming

Scripting: BASH, (short for “Bourne again shell”) is a Unix shell | Structured and Procedural: C | OOP (Object-Oriented Programming): Java SE | COP (Components-Oriented Programming): React JS and React TS

Git, a version control system | Git is used for source code management | GitHub git on cloud | GitLab / Subversion | Idea and GitHub 2023 | Git and GitHub 2023 CLI | CLI gH, to your terminal | IDE: Visual Code / IntellJ Idea

about this site, for documentation example. | JUnit for Spring Boot | Jest for JS React | Deploy on Heroku, Netlify, AWS Amplify | Jenkins, Docker and k8s

Artificial Intelligence (AI): What It Is and How It Is Used | Machine Learning | Natural language & prompts | DALL-E text-to-image tool | ChatGPT | Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) | AI is categorized into four types