
Stratospheric, 2020, From Zero to Production with Spring Boot and AWS: Building Scalable and Resilient Applications

A comprehensive guide to building and deploying scalable and resilient applications with Spring Boot and AWS. Stratospheric provides step-by-step guidance and best practices for building applications from zero to production, leveraging the power of both technologies.



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Stratospheric: From Zero to Production with Spring Boot and AWS

All you need to know to get a Spring Boot application into production with AWS.

What’s covered? Develop a production-ready Spring Boot application and deploy it to AWS while integrating several AWS services.

Infrastructure as code Learn how to use the AWS CDK (Cloud Development Kit) to define the entire infrastructure with Java code

Integrate AWS services Get familiar with powerful AWS services by implementing features for the sample application

Deployment Automate the CI/CD pipeline to get changes deployed to production in a matter of minutes using GitHub Actions

Operations Effectively monitor and operate a Spring Boot application in production